Septic Santa?-JSE

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I sat on the floor in the streets. I didn't have a home. No where to sleep. A guy who drove the bus a night let me on for free to stay warm. But it was morning. I had to stay out in the snow in my ripped beanie, leggings, short sleeved top and thin jacket.

I sat against a building, shivering and basically going blue. I was starving, along with the other people who lived on the streets. If I did get food, I'd give it to them first.

My h/c h/l hair hung by my face as I stared at every small rock on the pavement. According to people walking past, it was Christmas. I'd never experienced Christmas. I didn't know what it was like. The family I grew up with until I was ten didn't celebrate Christmas. I ran away when I was ten, ended up in orphanages, ran away and ended up on the streets when I was sixteen. Ten years I've been like this.

I heard something next to me and then someone walking away quickly. I turned my head, watching as a person with blue green hair under a beanie walked away quickly. I looked next to my side, where a box wrapped in green and blue sat. I looked back at the person walking away quickly, then the box. There was a label on it reading:

Dear person,
I've seen you sitting here for a while.
I wanted to get you something for Christmas
because you never get anything.
You seem like a kind person, giving other people
food before eating some yourself, so here's
a present. Hope you like it, from

Septic Santa

I smiled after reading the label. I crossed my legs, putting the wrapped box on top of them. I slowly took the wrapping off of the box, revealing a regular brown box. In large writing, it said Open Me! I did as told, pulling the brown flaps apart. I looked inside and gasped. There was some sort of phone, new clothes, some food and money. A little piece of paper lay on the bottom of the box, so I picked it up.

Septic Santa:                          

The man's number was on the piece of paper. I looked around and saw the man with the bright hair walking my way, his head down as he was on his phone and drank something from a cup. I stood up when he was walking in front of me.

"Hey!" I shouted to him, my throat feeling dry. He turned round and looked at me. "Thank you." I smiled, something I haven't done in years. "I'm y/n. Thank you for the gifts. You didn't need to get me anything." I stuck out my cold hand for him to shake.

"No problem. Septic Santa would do anything to help. My name's Jack, or Sean, by the way. Do you want to come to my place to warm up? You're absolutely freezing." He shook my hand.

"If you don't mind... Thank you." I smiled softly, picking up the box with my gifts in. That's when I finally got a friend. Someone I could trust.

JackSepticEye/Markiplier/Pewdiepie X Reader imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now