Enchanted to Meet You-JSE

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It was prom, and y/n sat all on her own. She didn't have a date. She didn't really have any friends. She was alone. She wore a long, flowing, light blue dress with a diamond like waistband. There was one strap, connecting over her left shoulder.

She drank some of her f/d, her left hand supporting her head. She sighed loudly over the music, watching as all the couple's and friends danced. She didn't want to be here, but her mum was the head teacher and forced her to come.

As y/n looked around, her eyes locked with ocean blue ones. Their gaze didn't falter, held for minutes on end. She looked away, taking a sip of her drink. Movement towards her caught her eye.

"Hey." The owner of the blue eyes sat next to her. He had brown hair and pale skin. He had a navy suit on and glasses over his eyes.

"Uh, hey." Y/n smiled awkwardly. "Y/n." She held out her hand for him to shake.

"Jack, or Sean. You're the head teacher's daughter then?" He shook her hand. Heat rose to y/n's face all of a sudden.

Good thing I'm wearing blush. She mentally high fived herself.

"So what you doing, sitting alone and not dancing?" Jack asked, pushing his glasses up his nose. Y/n sighed softly.

"Not really friends with anyone here. Mum forced me to come. She keeps eyeing me." She pointed to where her mum quickly looked away, pulling down the sleeves of her flowery dress.

"I'll be your friend." Jack offered. A smile found its way to y/n's face.

"I'd like that." She gave him a smile.

~time skip~

Y/n found out Jack lived near her, so they walked home together. The wind blew at y/n's hair, creating a cloud of h/c behind her. The streets were dark, only lit by the street lamps. The moon was high in the sky, shining down on everything. Stars dotted the sky, creating beautiful patterns and constellations.

"This is my stop." Y/n smiled as they got to her gate. "Thanks for walking with me." She gave Jack a small hug. Jack was surprised but hugged her lightly.

"It was no problem. It was nice to meet you." He smiled back as they parted.

"I'll see you at school on Monday then." Y/n pushed her gate open. "Bye, Jack." She said as she closed it.

"Bye y/n." He smiled softly before walking down the street to his house, hands in his pockets.

JackSepticEye/Markiplier/Pewdiepie X Reader imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now