Chapter 3: Callous

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~Hayley POV~

"Davina let me out of here right now or I swear I will kill you!" Hayley threatened as she hit against the barrier.

"You can try." Davina said, rolling her eyes at the helpless hybrid. "Or we can have a polite conversation."

"You magically kidnapped me!" She told the witch incredulously. "And now you want to talk about being polite?"

"I brought you here to help you!"

"Didn't Elijah ask you to do that months ago? And what was your reply? Oh yeah 'I can't be seen doing favours for the Mikaelsons.'"

"And I can't, I'm the Regent." She said as she gathered her things. "But maybe we can help each other. I have access to the witch ancestors. I can channel the power of the one who created the spell that cursed you. You can be free, Hayley. But I need help. There's a witch in the 9th Ward who hates that I'm Regent. She tried to kill me. If I retaliate, I'm starting a civil war, and I don't want to do that."

"Just tell me who you want dead."

~Fiore POV~

I sat in the nursery playing with Grace when the sound of footsteps entering put me on red alert. I dashed to the trespassers and twisted their hands behind their backs simultaneously.

"Thought I smelled swamp." I said whilst glaring at Jackson and Elijah before releasing them and getting Grace. "How many times can I tell you that you are not welcome in my home?"

"We'll go, just tell us what you did to Hayley." Jackson pleaded.

"Has poor Jackson misplaced his bride? Come to think about it, I did read that global warming was affecting migration patterns. Try Georgia!" I said with a fake smile.

"I just left the bodies of people I care about to rot in the woods because you left them defenceless against poachers!" Jackson yelled angrily.

"Oh really?" I asked genuinely surprised. "It's kind of amazing how karma works."

"A good friend of yours did it. A guy named Lucien Castle." Jackson told me.

"Lucien's in town?" I inquired, surprised again. "Huh. You'd have to ask Nik."

"He's out with one of his sires" Elliott said as he entered the room.

"Past tense actually." Nik said as he joined us. "You can find her in the penthouse of the gaudy new construction on Canal. And while you two are getting to know each other, be sure to ask her about the prophetic vision she showed me of our family's spectacular downfall. You could use a good laugh. And who knows, perhaps she knows something about Lucien."

"You stay here." Elijah told Jackson. "Niklaus and I will handle this."

"Oh, the hell you will!" I snapped. "Jackson, you can sod off with your new best friend Elijah because as long as Hayley's prowling about on two legs and unaccounted for, I'm staying with my daughter without your disease riddled bodies contaminating her."

"So be it." Elijah snapped.

"One last thing Jacksie." I said, pulling him in by the collar. "Should I discover that this is yet another cock-eyed scheme for Hayley and you to abscond with her, the paltry remains of your beloved wolf pack will be sniffing at your entrails come morning."

"l see you remain as callous as ever." Elijah said glaring at me as I discarded of Jackson.

"Riddle me this Elijah. Does it ever scare you that one-day Grace will learn what kind of man you are? The kind that would allow two strangers to disappear with her just because she batted an eyelid at you? If anyone tries to take Grace I promise you, no one will have to chase her. Because she will without question leave you of her own accord."

~Freya POV~

Freya returned home from Rousseau's with a hot guy and was ready to let the night continue. This had become her pattern as of late and it served as her only refuge from the chaos of her family.

"Nightcap?" She asked as she led him into the compound. "There's bourbon on virtually every surface."

"Or we could skip to the good bit?" He said suggestively, making her giggle. She pulled him closer and began to kiss him only to be interrupted by her brother clearing his throat loudly.

"Ah Freya! It's about time you brought a gentleman home to meet the family." Klaus said with a bright smile. "I'm Freya's brother. And you are? No, don't tell me. Let me guess—Brad? Chad? Brody? Let's go with Brody. What are your intentions for my sister? Shall we discuss a dowry?" He brought out his hybrid eyes and the boy dashed out of the compound without so much as a second glance.

"Wow Klaus!" Freya said shoving him with a chuckle.

"He was drunk!" Klaus said laughing heartily. "No one will believe him! Besides I think it's pretty fair payback for last night."

"You know, not three months ago you hated me and now you're going all protective brother on me. I'm not sure which I like better."

"Oh, I'm sure you're quite capable of protecting yourself against the scourge of Fraternity Row." He paused and checked his surrounding before speaking up again. "I need you to find Hayley."

"You're worried about her." Freya said in surprise.

"No, I'm worried about what Fiore will do to her if she finds her first." Klaus told her. "Which is why you need to find her quickly."

She nodded and snuck him into her witching room, getting out the necessary materials she needed to track her.

"Do you have a vial of everyone's blood?" Klaus said examining her room in surprise.

"Multiple." She said with a shrug as she picked out Hayley's vial. "People in this family have a habit of going missing."

"You even have one of Fiore's!" Klaus told her awestruck.

"Don't touch it!" Freya said as she carefully put it back down. "Fiore's blood is a powerful weapon and very rare to come by. Do not tell her I have this!"

"Alright, alright, just do the bloody spell and find Hayley already."

She rolled her eyes but nonetheless she sat down and recited the incantation only to discover an unnerving truth.

"I can't find her." She told him. "There's nothing! It's like she doesn't exist!"

"Or Fiore got to her first."

A/N: Mikaelson family having the time of their lives!

I hope you enjoyed! If you did, please vote, comment and follow! Love you as always! Until next time! X

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