Chapter 43: Fighters And Survivors

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The three of us returned to the Mikaelson compound where we caught up with Hayley. The Sisters, led by Lara and Marcel, had attacked her in the hopes of gaining her unsired heart.

"So it was about breaking the sire link?" I asked her.

"Yeah." She said as she nervously paced around the room. "Marcel told me that Lara's witches have already got a spell to do it."

"So how does your heart play into it?" Klaus asked seemingly exasperated as his daughter sat on his lap, trying her hardest to sleep.

"I'm the only un-sired vampire in history. Apparently, that's the key to making it all work." Hayley explained.

"Funny how Marcel neglected to mention that this morning." Klaus said with his anger seeming to rise.

"Ease up. He saved me." Hayley retorted in defence of him.

"But the Sisters can still come for you." Elijah told her worriedly.

"And let them, I'm not an easy target." Hayley said with a shrug. "They'd be better off trying to find a witchy workaround."

"You say that like they haven't already." I told them, realising an easy to come by workaround.

"No, they need my heart." She continued.

"Or something identical." I continued and the rest of the room finally understood.

"Jackson." Klaus muttered, coming to the realisation.

"The Unification Ceremony didn't just marry us—it also made his heart a mirror image of mine." Hayley said worriedly.

"We need to dig it up." Klaus spat out abruptly as he lay Grace down in her crib.

"Klaus." Hayley replied, voicing her displeasure aptly.

"Andromeda's bullet very nearly killed Elijah. When she returns—and she will—I would prefer the vampires of New Orleans be obligated to protect us. They'll be more likely to do so if our lives remain linked to theirs." Klaus grabbed my hand and rushed away, ensuring he never got to hear the rest of the conversation.

~Marcel POV~

"So this is your solution?" Odessa asked Marcel incredulously as he dug up Jackson's heart. "Lara will kill you before you can even get the bloody thing to her."

"This is Hayley's husband. I was at their wedding and their hearts became one. Back me up, Davina." Marcel said as he continued to dig.

"He's right." She said nervously. "That's the only reason why I'm here."

"Perfect." The three of them jumped as Lara appeared and took the heart from him. "You are proving to be quite the creative leader."

"Yeah, I'd say so." He snapped, startling Lara and making Odessa's forehead crease with worry. "Considering I just found a way to keep you and everyone in this organisation alive. I want to be free of the Mikaelsons just as much as you do. Get in the way of that again, and I will be just as creative in finding a way to kill you." Odessa held her breath as Lara began to glare at Marcel, before smiling at him and squeezing his face in between her hands.

"There, there Marcel. Don't be so cross now." She crept up and whispered into his ear. "You're finally starting to learn. Commitment to a common goal is as strong a bond as family."

~Klaus POV~

Klaus lay a kiss on his wife's head and on that of his daughter's, both of whom had fallen asleep on his couch. He sat back on his desk and continued to whittle a new chess piece for his little one.

"Practicing your torture techniques, Niklaus?" Freya asked as she watched him. "In between being an all-around family man, that is."

"Yes, well whilst some children like to cuddle with a binkie, mine loves to chew on her chess piece. I tell you, poor Henry is absolutely devastated." He said with a shrug as he showed her the chess piece. "My other one likes to go off on what I can only assume are the wildest of benders."

"Well this family is quite full of surprises." She replied with a soft chuckle.

"Like you being surprised I came for you." She looked back at him, slightly embarrassed but nevertheless he came and squeezed her arm affectionately. "Freya, you need to get it through your witchy head that you're my sister. And that makes you a part of this family—always and forever."

"You know, I've said this more times than I care to admit, but I agree with Niklaus." Elijah added with a wry smile.

"So what's our next move?" Freya asked as Elijah poured them all drinks. "Andromeda has more white oak and I doubt she's going to stay quiet for long."

"Andromeda is not our only problem." Klaus said with a sigh as Elijah handed out the drinks.

"Yes, it seems there's no shortage of those who would stand against our family." Elijah muttered as Klaus held up his glass in a toast.

"To killing them all."

~Andromeda POV~

Andromeda sat in her car and waited for her guest to join her. She examined the gun in her hand and sighed as Lara entered her car.

"I'm sorry love, but I'm not really in the mood for a chat." Andromeda said somewhat anxiously.

"Then I'll be brief, lovie." Lara said as she ran her fingers through Andromeda's hair. "Just let me help you."

"I don't need help, sweetheart." She cringed at the touch of Lara's hands but knew she had no choice but to comply. "I know what to do and how to do it. I'll be fine on my own."

"You and I both know that having a clear target and hitting the bull's-eye are two very different things. Made much easier when you have the help of a determined ally. Especially one that loves you and wants the best for you." Lara pulled Andromeda towards her and kissed her, breaking away with a smirk. "Our worlds are going to change, my sweet, and they will do so with a bang."

~Fiore POV~

I had just woken up from my unplanned nap on the couch and Klaus and Freya were talking in front of me, whilst Grace continued to doze on my chest. They were talking about me, I knew it and if they knew I had woken up they'd stop. So I closed my eyes and began to listen in on the two of them.

"She'll be alright, Niklaus." Freya told him. "If anything, your worry will be the death of her."

"I just—I just don't know how to deal with this...this relentless fear." He said with a sigh. "She used to be the one doing the saving. And now it's just me. Each and every second I'm so afraid that I won't be able to bring her home one day. That one day, it'll be the last day."

"Fiore's a fighter. She'll pull through."

"A fighter doesn't always survive."

A/N: I hope you enjoyed this! If you did, please vote, comment and follow! Love you as always! X

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