Chapter 68: Get Up

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"I DID EVERYTHING YOU ASKED ME TO!" Marcel raged as he threw a bottle at the wall. "I got into that stupid cult, played as your inside guy to keep you safe! Left my friends in the dust because that was what you needed! I fought for Grace! I kept Hayley alive, I kept white oak from piercing your cold black heart! There isn't one thing that I didn't do for you!"

"We know." I told him but Marcel was having none of the sort.

"No, you don't! NO, YOU DO NOT!"

"Marcel, I had no choice." Elijah defended.

"That seems to be your catchphrase, doesn't it?" He said with a bitter chuckle. "You always have a choice, Elijah! Always! Everyone says it you know, but I thought things were different. Anyone that isn't is your family is nothing to you. Nothing."

"Marcel, you are family." I told him.

"So why wasn't Davina? She was my family and therefore she should have been yours." He snapped. "I am not your family. Not anymore. Never again. I am not."

"Marcel, please." I pleaded.

He glared at us once more before knocking over the table as he stormed out, destroying the ties we had together as we did.

~Freya POV~

Freya walked into her home, shivering from the cold and the pain she felt, her eyes as red as could be. She hadn't stopped crying since the event with Lara and when she entered the room where Davina's binding circle was and saw Vincent there, she knew it wasn't over.

"The Ancestors destroyed her soul. Her actual soul." Vincent said. "Sorry I should rephrase, you did! You destroyed somebody good today, in order to save people who have had more than their share of lifetimes."

"I'm sorry." She mumbled. "I had to save my family."

"Same old song with you Mikaelsons." Vincent moved to walk out the room and Freya gave her hail Mary.

"Vincent, my brother killed Lara."

"Good for you." He said rolling his eyes as he turned to face her.

"You don't understand. I was in love with her. I couldn't let my family die because of my feelings for her. I couldn't just—"

"Freya, stop!" Vincent snapped before moving to whisper in her ear. "You're just as much of a blood sucker as the rest of them."

She trudged upstairs, beginning to sob again as everything crashed and burnt around her. She ran into the first room she saw only to find Klaus looking over Grace in her crib.

"I'm sorry, Niklaus." She said between sobs. "I'll leave you."

"You don't have to do that." He pulled her towards her and comforted her as she continued to cry and cry and cry until eventually she stopped, having no more tears left in her.

"So what were you doing before I interrupted?" She asked her younger brother. "Seeking some respite from the darkness? Perhaps there's solace in the fact you avenged Fiore today."

"And yet to do right by Fiore, we sacrificed someone she once cared dearly about. And once Fiore cares about someone, she never stops." He told her sadly.

"Our family is safe."

"No, our family is fractured." He snapped. "There are no victories to celebrate today, my demons won." Freya felt a pang in her heart as he said this, but she also knew that Lara was what she was.

"Lara was not your demon; you might have sired her but you didn't create the monster that she was." She told him.

"And yet today, I fear we have created another monster altogether." He told her. "As if the first wasn't hellish enough."

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