Chapter 8: A Different Kind Of Heartbreak

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~Klaus POV~

"I heard we're all playing happy families again." Elliott said with a grin as he sat down on the broken dining table, effortlessly dodging the debris and making Klaus chuckle.

"That we are."

"Does that mean Elijah's gonna be cooking again though?" Elliott asked, the size of his smile growing. "I mean, don't get me wrong, I enjoy a compelled chef's cooking as much as the next guy but Elijah's breakfasts are killer. Maybe even literally because I'm pretty sure my cholesterol levels are sky high."

"I'll be sure to pass your compliments."

"No thanks, he's not exactly my favourite person." Elliott said as he got and poured himself some cereal. "So how's Fiore doing now that she knows about her anger? Oh wait, you didn't tell her!"

"Well this certainly took a turn." Klaus said as he poured himself a glass of bourbon.

"You have to tell her Klaus; those were her terms." Elliott scolded.

"Now is not the time to be making her paranoid about her anger." Klaus explained.

"Klaus, that prophecy says one by flower and that flower is clearly Fiore. Have you ever thought that maybe the reason she offs one of you guys is because she found out you kept a secret from her?" Elliott said looking expectantly at him. "It also says one by family. Now I'm no math whiz but Fiore is both flower and family, and there's two of you. You have to tell her."

"I don't have to do anything." Klaus said, now scowling at him. He had at once thought his careless demeanour to be endearing but it was now proving to be an annoyance.

"I hate to put my foot down Klaus, but if you don't tell her, I will."

"And what if I kill you?"

"Sure." Elliott said, laughing as he patted Klaus on the shoulder. "You let me know how that works out for you. In the meantime, I would start thinking about the best way to tell her the truth."

~Fiore POV~

I sat down in the nursery with Grace whilst she played about with her wooden knight that Nik had given her. I sighed as I watched the one thing in my life that was well and truly perfect.

"I was wondering when you'd make an appearance." I said as Elijah entered the nursery.

"I wasn't exactly in my most presentable state." Elijah said, chuckling as he sat down beside me. "She's so big!" Elijah said as Grace happily ran into his arms.

"Almost two now." I added, smiling at her as she played with Elijah's hair. "She missed you."

"I missed her too." He paused momentarily before speaking up again. "Fiore, I—"

"Wait." I stopped him. "Let me say my side first, hmm? Elijah, when you daggered me, I was angry, but I understood, you didn't think you could control me and that made sense to me. But when you were so cavalier about allowing Hayley and Jackson to run off with my daughter—you broke my heart. I knew we had disagreements and we don't always get along but I thought at least when push came to shove you would stand by me. And you didn't. So, I punished you all for what you did. And the banishment that you faced, was so you would know what you were condemning me to. A life knowing that she would always be just out of my reach."

"I see." Elijah murmured, hanging his head guiltily. "I want you to know how sorry I am. I thought I would be protecting her but now I see how selfish I was being. I know that no one will protect her more than you and my brother would. Not even myself. I'm sorry."

"And I accept." I said, beaming at him once again.

"And Fiore," He said, taking my hand in his. "I want you to know that in this family when push comes to shove, we do stand by one another. Under threat we take action, for better or worse and we do whatever it takes to protect our own. That has not and will not ever change."

"How's the head?" I asked Freya as she stumbled into the room.

"Spinning." She said, gritting her teeth in pain. "So this Lucien guy, his days are numbered? Sorry I was eavesdropping. And no, I'm not really sorry."

"If he is indeed working against us, yes." Elijah replied, rolling his eyes at his nosy sister. "Without question."

"Great—because something's wrong." Freya said, as her hand began to shake. "And we need to call Rebekah. Now."

"Elijah, you give her a ring, Freya and I will try to reach her by magical means." Elijah nodded and whipped out his phone. I took a piece of paper and wrote her a message.

Desperately in need of a ring, Bex.

"She didn't pick up." Elijah told us defeated whilst Freya took the paper and crumpled it up before doing the spell that should send it to her.

"Bollocks." I looked at the three of them in horror as the letter had now turned to blood.

"There's nothing to connect to. She's gone." Freya told us in a panic.

"What'd do you mean she's gone?" Elijah asked in terror.

"I can't find her."

"Which means her witch body, her connection to magic has... well vanished." I said, pulling at my hair in frustration. "But it's not all lost yet—Mikaelson blood tracks Mikaelson blood! And we've got tons of that going around!"

"I don't understand why they would bring Rebekah into all of this!" Freya said as she prepared to do the locator spell.

"The prophecy, duh!" Elliott said as he sauntered into the room. "Whoever's pulling the strings wants you all together, they kept team NOLA occupied so that they could get Rebekah without us suspecting a thing."

"She's strong, she can't be killed." Freya said, falsely optimistic.

"The prophecy says otherwise." Elliott interjected. "But why do a locator spell when you can just magic yourselves to her side?"

"He's got a point." Freya said, trying to conceal her grin.

"Yeah, don't try and pretend you're not happy about this." I grumbled as I brought out a bottle of liquor for the spell.

"To Morocco!" We downed the drink and both found ourselves face to face with Original Vampire Bex in a heated battle with a strange type of vampire. I couldn't tell what it was about them, but they felt oddly familiar. They were definitely anything but ordinary.

"I can't leave you alone for five minutes!" Freya exclaimed as she looked around at the litter of dead bodies around her. The vampire looked at us funnily and dived for us, but as we were astral projections, she flew through us. Freya and I smirked and thrust out a hand each and all the surrounding vampires, neck snapped.

"Huh." Rebekah said looking at us, clearly impressed. "What now?"

Freya and I looked at each other knowingly before answering Rebekah in unison. "Run!"

A/N: Aww! Elijah and Fiore are bezzies again...but for how long?

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