Chapter 36: Children

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"What the bloody hell happened to you two?" I asked as Klaus and Cami entered the compound bickering.

"He stole my dark objects!"

"She snapped my neck!"

"Children, the both of you." I muttered as the two began to bicker again.

"You have no right! Those dark objects are my family's legacy!" Cami yelled angrily.

"Well, that's funny, because I seem to remember my wife and my brother making them, so perhaps they've been my family's legacy all along!" Klaus said smugly.

"Give them back, or I will take them back, and I swear to you, you will regret this moment." Cami sneered coldly.

"Welp, I tried, she's all yours." Klaus said as he slumped over on the couch.

"I should never have made you that bleeding ring. Or let this bastard look for you. Lord knows what you'll do." I sighed. "You have to stay here, Cami."

"I don't have to do anything!" She snapped. "You do not control me! You spent so long getting the world to tremble at your name but you're the one who's terrified. You're scared that if you can't save me, then there's no hope for you!"

I stood taken aback by her words and Klaus looked on angrily at her before growling in her direction. "Careful what you say next Camille."

"Oh please! You're just mad that I'm out of your control! You're a scared little kid, convinced he'll be tossed aside the second he isn't needed." Klaus lunged at her and twisted her arm behind her back.

"Let go of me!" Cami shrieked as she tried to get out of his grip when Hayley entered with Grace and separated the two.

"Not the way to handle this, guys!" Hayley yelled and I looked back at her in disgust. I splayed my hand and the three of them hit opposite sides of the walls.

"Okay." I said, before taking a deep breath. "Hayley, what were you doing with my baby? Cami, why have you lost your filter? And Klaus why are you attacking Cami?"

The three of them talked over each other at once and I sighed once again before snapping all three of their necks. I then turned back to my daughter who had watched this all take place from her buggy, bobbing her head obliviously.

"What kind of family are you in?"

~Klaus POV~

Klaus paced about Elijah's study, silently fuming about Cami and Fiore's actions as well as trying to pay attention to what Elijah was saying.

"I thought the pale horse might be something Biblical, or even tied to one of the equestrian constellations. There's Pegasus, perhaps even Equuleus." Elijah said as he tried to explain to his disinterested brother Ariane's statement.

"Neither of those sound like a weapon, unless they plan to bore us to death." Klaus sighed in annoyance. "You know, it would be nice if, just once, the witches bloody well said what they mean."

"Fiore will come around, Niklaus. Leave her be." Elijah said giving him a look, knowing what was really troubling his brother.

"So I should just abandon her? After everything we've been through?" Klaus scoffed.

"Yes." Elijah said with a sigh. "She is extremely volatile as it is and you seek to provoke her. As much as I hate to say it, one will fall by flower. Her distance would be a mercy."

"Speak for yourself." Klaus said gazing sadly at her as she stood watching the French Quarter from the balcony, their daughter laying calmly in her arms.

"I need you, brother." Elijah pleaded. "A storm is coming." Klaus looked up at his brother, knowing he spoke the truth and gave him a reluctant nod of solidarity.

~Elliott POV~

"Do you want some tea or something? Fiore taught me how to make her special comfort tea." Elliott asked Josh who had remained stoic and silent the whole time there. "I'll take that as a no."

"I'd like you to leave." Josh told him curtly.

"You know, you think we have nothing in common, but we actually have lots." Elliott told him making Josh scoff.

"Like what?"

"We're both vampires."

"Gee, how awesome." He said rolling his eyes.

"Okay we both lost people we love?" Elliott tried.

"Like many other people in this town, most of them because of your family." Josh said his anger beginning to creep up.

"Last resort—crappy parents." Elliott answered.

"I doubt your parents are worse than mine." Josh said gritting his teeth together.

"Yeah, my mom killed me with my grandpa and then blamed it on my stepmom." Elliott said with a dark chuckle. "Might I add, that she told my now deceased stepdad and uncle and they both backed her up."

"Wow." Josh said taken aback. "Okay, I think you win that one."

"As crazy as it sounds Josh, I'm on your side." Elliott said with a smile that Josh gingerly returned.

Elliott watched as Josh held on to Davina, who's body had now begun to stir and whimper. Josh continued to hold on as tightly as he possibly could, despite the worry that was creeping up on him.

"What's happening?" Josh asked him.

"Something's wrong." He paused and silenced Josh too. "Here as well." But before he had the time to react, Josh's neck was slit by a witch. Elliott turned to face her and flicked his wrist throwing her to the side.

"You're gonna kill her, you idiot!" Elliott told her.

"I'm trying to help her."

"I know what you were doing. But I'm gonna have to instead." Elliott took Davina's hand and muttered a spell before finding himself in the middle of a standoff between Kara and Davina.

"Leave!" He yelled at her as he flung her hand in her direction, shooting her backwards. "Now." Kara reluctantly vanished into an alleyway as Davina helped Kol sit up.

"Elliott?" Kol said in surprise.

"You know him?" Davina said.

"Yeah we—"

"Time and a place guys!" Elliott snapped, returning their attention to him. "Now I can help you cross back, but we have to go right this second."

A/N: I hope you enjoyed! If you did, please vote, comment and follow! Love you as always! Until next time! X

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