Chapter 33: What We Should Have Done

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~Marcel POV~

"Are you ready for today?" Odessa asked Marcel as she entered his room at the estate and helped straighten out his tie.

"Ready for the unknown? Always." He said with a sarcastic smile.

"You'll be fine." Odessa said with a light chuckle. "It's just a dinner in honour of Andie, nothing to worry about."

"A dinner in honour of the love of my life and I wasn't even invited? How rude." Lara said as she entered with her arms crossed.

"Lara, I didn't expect to see you here." Odessa said with a fake smile.

"I realise, considering my invitation was lost in the mail." Lara snapped. "You're having a meeting with my people, in honour of the woman I love and didn't think to give me a ring? Not very sisterly, Dessie."

"Hold up, your people?" Marcel asked enraged but Odessa pushed him back.

"Yes, my people. These people fought for Romy and seeing as Romy is no longer with us, they fall under my command." Lara said stalking up to the two of them. "Any problems?"

"None." Odessa answered calmly. "I didn't think this was your sort of thing. But you're right, I apologise. The Strix is under your command now, and I'm sorry for your loss."

"Thank you." She answered soberly. "I'll see you there." Lara left and Odessa took a deep sigh whilst Marcel got ready to release his displeasure.

"What the hell are you doing giving that lunatic control of the Strix?"

"What's best for all of us in the long run." Odessa said with a sigh. "Lara will get bored of this very quickly as soon as she finds out what it's really like to control the Strix. We just have to keep her happy until then. If we don't she and my "siblings" will come and drag us all to hell. So, until then, keep your mouth shut and allow Lara to run rampant, am I clear?"

"Crystal." He answered before the two of them began to make their way to the dinner. "Anything for you, Dessie."

"Call me that again and I will make you streak through the city."

"Wouldn't be the first time."

"Odessa and Marcel! How lovely of you to finally join us." Lara said as the two entered the dining hall where Lara and members of the Strix had convened. "Let us welcome the lovely couple!"

"Couple?" Marcel said in confusion whilst Odessa took his hand in hers.

"How did you even find out?" Odessa said, mimicking surprise. "Marcel and I were planning to keep it a secret, I didn't want anyone to think there was clear nepotism at hand. Although I suppose the cat is out of the bag, isn't it, my lovely?"

"I think we both know who the lovely one is here." Marcel brought her hand up to his mouth and kissed it making Lara fume with a nauseating gag.

"Whatever." She said angrily. "Let's just continue."

"Let's." Odessa said as she smugly sat opposite Marcel.

"Romy guided you all with such heart. She was a radical thinker, decisive leader, and, to each of you here tonight, both mentor and friend. She was, in a word, irreplaceable."

Marcel lifted up his champagne glass with a knowing smirk as he cleared his throat for a toast.

"To Andie." Odessa kicked him from under the table whilst Lara gave the vampire a suspicious look but nonetheless, they all raised their glasses in a toast before drinking.

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