Chapter 57: Emotions Getting In The Way

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"Freya's safe." Klaus informed Hayley.

"And the others?" She asked us.

"Finn's got a werewolf bite." He told her. "Fiore thinks I should heal him."

"So does Elijah, so he knows I'm right." I said, rolling my eyes at him. "If there is even a chance of making Finn an ally then we have to take it."

"She's right." Hayley concurred. "When these last few recover, I'll take them home, gather what I can and torch this place."

"Why does everyone always tag team against me?" Klaus whined.

"It's because you're always wrong." Elliott said with a smirk as he entered and dragged his reluctant father out.


Klaus, Elliott, Grace and I entered into the compound only to immediately be greeted with the sound of Freya, Elijah and Kol bickering.

"Sibling squabbling. How familiar. Although, the teams seem to have changed... Someone care to tell me why?" Klaus questioned, turning to face Elijah.

"Our brother needs us." Elijah said firmly and at the sight of his sickly brother, Elijah's expression immediately changed to one of clear horror.

"Come on now Nik! Lara's venom works twice as quick and is probably twice and lethal. If you just leave it, he'll most likely die and all will be right in the world." Kol told Klaus who looked between his siblings and me. I knew what he should do, I just had to hope he would do it. I smiled as he sighed in exasperation before biting his wrist and forcing it into his brother's mouth. As soon as Finn was recovered he looked back at Klaus in surprise and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thank you, brother."

"How are you feeling?" Freya asked him.

"Strangely euphoric." He replied.

"I've been known to have that effect." Nik said as he winked at me.

"I hope to one-day experience it." I teased with a smirk making the rest giggle with the exception of Nik and Kol who started a slow clap in anger.

"What a touching family reunion." Kol muttered, bitterly rolling his eyes at us. "Excuse me while I gouge my eyes out with a hot poker."

"Thank you Kol." Finn told him to everyone's surprise. "Without your witch, I never would've been able to find Freya. Today I saw why Always and Forever is so coveted. And I—" Finn was suddenly caught in an intense and violent coughing fit, large amounts of blood streaming from his mouth.

"What's wrong with him?" I asked as they all looked at him helplessly.

"He's still dying." Freya said in horror.

"I cured him!" Klaus said in disbelief.

"No matter, we will fix it." Freya snapped. "Somebody get my pendant."

"It won't work! Davina fused his soul to his body." Kol said in a panic.

"So get your bloody girlfriend back here to undo what she's done! Finn, you will drink from the source until Freya can move you." Klaus went to bite his wrist but Finn stopped him.

"No. Just stay with me." He said as Freya grabbed one hand and Elijah grabbed the other. Klaus and I sat in front of him and he gave us all a weak smile as he realised he wasn't alone.

"You are not alone. I am here. I am here. I am here with you. Okay? I'm with you." Freya told her brother as they all began to cry together until he eventually desiccated and passed on.

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