Chapter 19: Carbon Copy Wives

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~Klaus POV~

"It's quite strange, isn't it?" Aurora asked. "Celebrating an American holiday?"

"Actually Aurora," Elijah replied. "I rather enjoy Thanksgiving. The turkey, the cranberry sauce—"

"The lies, the deceit, the betrayal." Lara added, cutting him off.

"Perhaps we should begin this evening's proceedings with a little confession?" Elijah continued.

"So, this entire dinner is meant to be some boorish inquisition? How rude." Fiore added, rolling her eyes.

"Nonsense, Fiore! My brother merely wishes to make certain we're all on the same page. So, who would like to begin?" Klaus added smugly. "I know, Lara. What have you been up to the past few days? I notice you and Fiore have quite frequent chats, so you must have cleared her curse for a price."

"Nik!" Fiore said appalled. "Don't be so rude!"

"I'm just calling it like it is." He replied indifferently.

"It's alright, Fiore." Lara said with a nod. "I healed Fiore in an attempt to gain your trust. I may not have done it for a tangible repayment, but it was a repayment nonetheless.

"Oh dear." Elijah said with a sarcastic sigh. "These pathetic lies promise to be as difficult to swallow as your stuffing this year, Niklaus. Walnuts, honestly." Klaus laughed at his brother and Lara continued her line of defence.

"My aim here is to protect you, Klaus. I have never strayed from that goal."

"And the bodies on my streets, your protection also?" He asked sceptically.

"As I have said time after time, those bodies are distinctively Lucien Castle's." Lara said, rolling her eyes. "He's clearly up to something, and now Tristan is missing, his arch nemesis, does that not scream coincidental to you?"

"Somewhat." Klaus said with an understanding nod. "But then again, your search for the medallion also falls under that same coincidental category."

"Eavesdropping on conversations between Fiore and I." Lara replied with a wry chuckle. "She is your wife you know, you could just ask her, instead of neglecting her like she were some lowly shell of a person." Elijah's eyes immediately lit up and his face turned to one of shock.

"For those of us without carbon copy wives, why don't you explain what this medallion does?" Elijah asked which immediately gave Klaus the confirmation he needed. That was not Fiore, it was a doppelganger.

~Fiore POV~

"Anton, isn't it?" I asked the bulky vampire that was sitting around watching TV. Unbeknownst to him, I was getting close to a dark object that would have made it very easy to incapacitate him. "Nice name, I've never met an Anton. Actually, I have once. Funny story, what happened was—"

"Shut up." He growled. "I cannot listen to any more of your ramblings."

"Ramblings? I'll have you know that I—"

"Nice try." He said as he wrenched the object out of my hand. "Just because I can't kill you, doesn't mean I can't hurt you. Break bones, slice up your pretty face, heal you, then do it all over again. Next time, that's how this goes down. Got it?"

"Unfortunately." I said as I slumped back in my chair. "However, don't you think that threat works for me too? I don't know if you've heard but I'm actually Fiore Mikaelson, The Enigma that destroys people for funsies, so I'd hope you die before I find my way out of these here shackles."

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