Chapter 44: Day Drinking Adventures

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"Are you sure you want to do this?" Klaus asked me nervously.

"Day drink? Yes, very much so, my husband has recently become even more paranoid than usual and this is the only way I know how to cope. Besides, we're going to no-magic land. I'll be fine no matter what." I replied, rolling my eyes as I entered the St James Infirmary. I stopped in awe of myself as I saw an all too familiar face—Silas. But I knew better than to think he was back, that would have to be none other than Stefan Salvatore.

"How lucky do you reckon I have to be for that to be Silas?" I asked Nik as I pointed over at my father's doppelganger.

"I'd say unlucky considering you'd be quite dead."

"Stefan Salvatore in the Crescent City as I live and breathe." I said with a chuckle as Nik and I sat on either side of him. "This will either be very good or entertainingly bad."

"I'm just in town for a little R&R." He replied with a shrug. "Hate to disappoint."

"Sounds like a load of rubbish, but go on." I said as I sipped my drink.

"So, how's Elijah and whoever else you guys brought back from the dead?" He asked, slightly wary of me.

"Oh, you know us Mikaelsons." Klaus said with a shrug. "Never a dull moment around our part of town."

"Speaking of our part of town, I find it quite coincidental that of all the bars you pick the one invulnerable to the magic of locator spells." I said with a smirk.

"Damon's looking for me and I don't want to be found." He was picking his words very carefully. "I figure you two of all people can relate to family drama."

"Amen to that." I said as I downed a drink and Sylvia came to refill it. "Sylvia love, this is an old friend, let's keep the glasses full to the brim."

"He's a cute one, where you been hiding him?" She asked.

"In the quaintest little place known as Mystic Falls." I said with a chuckle.

"Home of the mining fires that prompted a town-wide evacuation. It was very noble of you to stand up for the human faction as you did, in such uncharacteristically sweeping, dramatic fashion." Klaus added.

"I did have some help." He said with a shrug.

"Yes, how is the new mother?" I asked with a dark laugh. "Tell me, what's it like knowing you're going to have to raise two kids that aren't either of yours?"

"Sylvia." Stefan said as he flagged down the bartender. "I think we're gonna need a couple more rounds."


Stefan left to answer a phone call from his brother and Nik looked at me all too curiously. He tilted his head to the side and smirked before chuckling slightly.

"What's so funny?" I asked him.

"Nothing. I'm just surprised is all."

"By Stefan?"

"By many things." He laughed to himself again and before I could press further Stefan came back into the bar.

"So where were we?" Stefan asked as he sat down.

"Siphon babies, vampire-witch Heretics? Sounds like you've been having quite a lot of fun since last our paths crossed." Klaus answered with a chuckle.

"Well, to be clear, Caroline practically died in childbirth. And she's not actually their mother. It just sort of... happened." Stefan said meekly.

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