My Daddy, The Superhero

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Hayley had gone out to the Bayou in search of ingredients that would hopefully bring us closer to finding the cure for our family and Elliott had gone out with Josh, leaving just me and my now 5-year-old daughter at home alone. We sat in front of the TV watching one of her favourite shows together, she was lying on my chest and giggling away at the silly gags when she started to frown.

"Mommy?" She asked me.

"Yes, baby?"

"Is Aunt Hayley my daddy? Or Elliott?" I held my breath tightly when she asked this. This was the first time she had asked about her father when she was old enough to understand the truth.

"No Baby, they're not." She sat up and looked back at me, her eyes starting to tear up.

"Why don't I have a daddy?" She said starting to full on bawl now.

"No, no, no, don't cry, my lovely lovely girl." I pulled her towards me and wiped away her tears. "You do have a daddy and he loves you to pieces."

"Then where is he?" I took in a deep breath worrying about whether or not this was the right time to her or not. But she was asking about him, this had to be done.

"Grace, we have a very big family. Your daddy has four whole brothers and sisters!" She looked back at me in surprise and I continued. "Crazy, I know! But it's true. One of them is aunty Hayley's boyfriend! You also have another big brother. Marcel. But we hurt him, so he hurt us. Now he has your daddy. You see, your daddy loved us all so much, that he sacrificed himself so that we could be free."

"Wow!" She said as her eyes lit up. "Like a real-life superhero!"

"Exactly, baby." I said smiling knowing that Nik was still our hero.

"Can I see a picture?" She asked gleefully.

"I can do you one better." I said with a smile as I took both her hands in mine and allowed her to enter my mind. "I'm gonna show you the day you were born."

When I opened my eyes, we were back in Grace's nursery on that first day, with a few tweaks. I couldn't exactly show my 5-year-old just exactly how murderous I had been that day. I felt my eyes well up as I saw her in Silas' arms.

"Is that my daddy?" She asked me. "Is that me he's holding? I was so small!"

"No, that's my daddy." I answered. "But that is you, and yes you were very small. Much smaller than you are now."

"Where is he now?"

"A very beautiful place way up in the sky!" I replied, trying to stop myself from crying. "Let's follow Pops, shall we?"

"Are we gonna see my daddy?" She asked excitedly.

"Yes Baby, we are." I walked into the room and smiled despite myself as I saw Elijah and Nik. "That there is your Uncle Elijah and your daddy."

"Hi Daddy! It's me! Grace! Your daughter!" She called out to him.

"Sweetie, he can't hear you." I told her. "This is just a memory I have."

"Oh." She said sadly but trying to stay strong. She looked at me as I sobbed, devastated at having to give her away. "Mommy why are you crying?"

"Because we had to give you away to keep you safe." I explained.

"Because of my brother again?" She asked.

"No, because of your daddy's mummy." I told her.

"Are she and Marcel the bad guys, Mommy?" She asked me.

"If only it were that simple, baby." I told her with a soft chuckle. "You may think someone is a supervillain, but you never know why they seem that way. We all have our reasons." I waved my hand away and we back in the house. "Now it appears as if it is your bed time, little missy."

"But I don't want to go to sleep!" She told me with a tired yawn.

"How about I make you a deal, mm? If you change into your jammies right this minute, I'll read you something very special. A letter from your daddy. If not, you'll have to wait till—" I didn't have to finish the sentence before she ran all the way to her room.

"I'M READY MOMMY!" I chuckled as I went into my room and opened my own box of memories, picking out Grace's letter. I walked back into her room and sat at the foot of her bed with the letter in hand.

"This is a letter your daddy left for you before we had to leave." I opened the envelope and took a deep breath before I began to read it, shaking at the sight of his handwriting. "To Little Gracie. I do not know how this will find you... As a child full of wonder, a teenager full of opinions, or a woman with the world at her feet. I write to tell you that I love you and that in our family's darkest hour I was called upon to save my siblings, and so I did. Please do not mourn me. Whatever pain I endure I do so in service of those who I love. My sole regret is that I will be away from you. Be good to your mother. I draw comfort in knowing that she will protect you. And I know she will not rest until our family is united. To Hayley and your brother too, they love you—we all do. Until then my sacrifice will allow you to grow. To become the beautiful daughter, I can now only imagine you to be. Please remember that you are the legacy this family has always desired, the promise we fought to protect. You are, and always will be our saving Grace."

"He really does love me!" She said with a giddy smile. "My daddy is a real-life superhero!"

"That he is. Goodnight my lovely." I gave her a kiss on the forehead and she yawned before making one last request.

"Mommy, can you please do that thing with the stars?" She begged. I waved my hand and her ceiling transformed into a view of the stars and the Northern Lights with her name twinkling in the sky.

"There you go." I told her with a smile.

"When will you teach me magic Mommy?" She asked me pleadingly.

"One day baby, but right now, you just focus on sleep." I walked out with the letter in hand before going back in and giving it to her.

"I get to keep it?" She asked in awe.

"It's yours. Always and Forever."

A/N: I hope you enjoyed! Vote comment and follow if you did! Love you as always! X

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