Chapter 45: Fiore 1.5

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"Start from the top please." Klaus said as we drove on the rode on the street looking for Stefan.

"So I'm technically not fully returned. Think of me as Fiore 1.5." I said with a shrug. "I have all my abilities back, anger included."

"How did you manage to do this anyway?"

"This. Even without my powers, I'm still quite the magical tinkerer." I pulled out an amulet that was glowing purple and showed it to him. "As long as this is activated, I have my abilities at hand but that also comes with its unlimited fuel of anger."

"Any other side effects I should know about?" He asked knowingly.

"Well, it's quite possible that my anger is a lot more heightened than usual?"


"And it ages me quicker."


"What else was I supposed to do?" I asked in exasperation.

"Not shorten your lifespan!" He shot back. He paused and we sat in silence for the longest time before he asked what was really on his mind. "Why did you do it? You were prepared to die in the name of supressing this anger, so what changed?"

"You did."

"Excuse me?"

"Your constant fear, paranoia and soon it turned to shame." I answered honestly. "You were so afraid to lose me you became embarrassed of me." He opened his mouth to speak but I shook my head at him. "Don't bother, I heard you talk about me with Freya last night and I realised that the weakened me isn't the me you're in love with. You can only love someone on your level and all in all, I wasn't. I was right. With no powers...I'm nothing."

"Blossom, I—"

"That's them!" I leapt out of the car not wanting to hear how the sentence ended and dashed over to where Rayna was about to finish Stefan off. I splayed my hand and sent her flying backwards into the woods, allowing her sword to be flung from her hand. Klaus held his hand out to a surprised yet grateful Stefan who immediately took his hand in his.

"What are you doing here?" He asked the two of us.

"The right thing." Klaus answered.

"I bloody well hope so." I said with a sigh. "She's dead for now at least, but we need to go right this second."

"We need to grab her before she comes back to life!" Stefan continued.

"No, you idiot, you're trespassing. This is werewolf territory. Klaus and I will make it out but I can't say the same for your imbecilic self." I replied curtly.

"When did she get so mean?" He asked Klaus, making him chuckle.

"Excuse me? Do you want me to kill you instead?" I growled as my anger reached a height it had never reached before. I watched as Stefan and Klaus began to feel pain when looking at me but instead of feeling pity, I felt proud. I was excited. But that was soon cut short as Klaus sped towards me and snapped my neck with one swift motion.

~Klaus POV~

Klaus and Stefan had been driving for about half an hour but his mind was still clouded with what Fiore had said to him prior to their discovery of Rayna. He had laid her in the backseat of the car, hoping she wouldn't wake up anytime soon.

"How mad is she gonna be when she wakes up?" Stefan queried.


"There's a station about a mile away." Stefan said, breaking his train of thought. "You can just drop me off there."

"Do you love her?" Klaus asked him abruptly.

"Caroline? Why?" Stefan asked.

"I have many complicated women in life Stefan, ones that I do my best to protect." He replied. "Caroline is the reason the tip of Rayna's blade ended up in your flesh, isn't she? You were protecting her."

"No." Stefan said with a sigh. "It was Damon. I was protecting Damon."

"Then let her go." Klaus told him firmly. "Let her go, or spend an eternity sacrificing everything good you have with her for your brother. Believe me, I've spent an eternity watching Elijah do the same for me."

"Why do I feel like we aren't talking about Elijah?" Stefan said with a smug look.

"Even if we aren't, my point still stands. I should've let her go a long time ago. Let her live a life of happiness with someone who would treat her right. Someone that would never let her think he were ashamed of her. But I'm selfish I suppose."

"Nice try." Stefan said, rolling his eyes.

"I beg your pardon?"

"You don't even have the choice to let her go. I think you need to adopt a new perspective buddy. You're not the one doing the protecting in your relationship." Stefan turned back and smiled at the unconscious Fiore. "She is."

"You used to be a lot more stupid, I'll tell you that." Klaus said, making the both of them laugh.

"Klaus." Stefan said, frowning and looking back. "You missed the exit."

"You're not going to the train station." Klaus answered with a smirk.

"But I have to get out of here."

"Actually, lucky for you. I know someone who has something that can help you with your Rayna Cruz problem. Maybe you've heard of her. They call her The Enigma."

"Heard of her? I slept with her."

"I'll kill you."

~Andromeda POV~

Andromeda sat in the St. Charles yard with Lara who was preparing her witches to cast a spell. She yawned and rolled her eyes before turning to address Lara.

"When did you become the strong, silent type?" Andromeda asked her.

"This isn't silence my love, it's patience." Lara told her. "Just give me the gun and I'll help you get whatever it is you want."

"I already have what I want. A weapon that protects me from the unkillable. Especially since Odessa has been compromised." Andromeda said, trying to hide her sadness.

"I'm sure it has something to do with her new relationship with Marcel." Lara added, rolling her eyes and surprising Andromeda.


"Didn't you know?" Lara asked nonchalantly. "Yes, it's actually quite nauseating."

"Then when I make the Mikaelsons suffer like they've made me suffer it'll be all the more satisfying." Andromeda said as she clenched her fists in anger.

"Yes, but Klaus is one of your targets and he is my sire. If you kill him, then you lose me too." Lara told her.

"Lara, they left me to drown endlessly at the bottom of the ocean!" Andromeda told her. "I can't let them go free!"

"But you got out!" Lara said taking her hands in hers and kissing them. "Your suffering would have made me suffer too. When I lost Alexis, I thought about taking revenge on them too, it is their prophecy that caused her downfall. But my death would not be worth it. What we need to do is sever the link. And then we can do and be anything we want. We can be happy, Andromeda. At last."

Lara pulled Andromeda towards her and kissed her and in that moment, Andromeda knew she had never been more certain of what she wanted in that moment. It was Odessa, not Lara. And it would never be Lara.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed! If you did, please vote, follow and leave a comment (particularly if you would like to me write about their Disneyworld trip because I am debating it atm)

Love you as always, until next time! X

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