Chapter 1

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Lexi's POV

I just moved to Los Angeles.I was about to leave the house to take a walk and check out the neighborhood.But my dad stopped me.

"Lexi,where are you going?!"He asked.

"To check out the neighborhood."I told him.

"Well don't get into any trouble,make friends.Got that!"He demanded.

"Dad,like she can make any friends."My brother said teasing me.

"Dillian,don't be so mean to your sister."My dad said to my brother.

"Yes dad."By brother told my dad.

Dillian is my older brother.He's 20 and still doesn't have enough money to get his own apartment.So he has to live with me and my dad.And he's a total jerk.

"Ok bye dad."I said.

Then I left the house.I started walking down the street.I walked past 3 houses and I came to a big house.There was a boy taking out the trash.He was tall and skinny and he had light brown hair combed up.

"Hi."I said.

The boy turned around.

"Oh hello."He said.

"Hi,I'm Lexi and I'm new to the neighborhood."I introduced myself.

"Lexi,I might know you from somewhere.What's your last name?"He asked me.

"Mist.I'm Lexi Mist."I told him.

"Lexi Mist,huh.As in Lexi Mist,one of the smartest kids in 4th through 7th grade?"He asked.

"Yeah,you know me?"I asked him.

"Does Kian Lawley ring a bell?"He asked me.

I thought about it for a moment.Kian Lawley...Kian Lawley...Huh!Kian Lawley!The one who was the biggest jerk in the school!Not him!

"Your...?"I asked.

"Yes,I am Kian."He said.

"Kian,as in the biggest jerk in the school,the player,the bully?"I asked him.

"Yup."He said.

"Well,I have to go.It see you."I said.

Then I started walking again.

"Hey Lexi!"He said.

I turned around and looked at him.

"Don't think I changed."He said.

I rolled my eyes and started walking again.

Kian's POV

Seeing Lexi was actually kinda good.She was hot in middle school and she's hot now.That's the only reason why I bullied her.

But I threw away the trash and went inside. 

Authors Note

I don't really like this story so far,but whatever.I know it will get better.But I hope you guys will enjoy this story.Biez!!!!!!!!!!!!

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