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Lexi's POV

I saw Kian standing outside of his house.I was shocked.He smiled.After I saw him I knew he played a trick on me.I went from relieved to angry.I ran over to him.

I slapped him with an angry look on my face.

"Look,I know..."He said.

I slapped him again still so angry.Then I slapped him a third time.He waited to see if I would slap him again.

"You done now?"He asked.

I slapped him a last time.

"Now,I'm done."I said.

"Ok look,I know I deserve those and I'm sorry for tricking you.I just wanted to know how you really felt about me and I knew if I faked my death,you would show your true feelings."He said.

I just looked at him.

"I can't believe you would do that."I said getting frustrated.

"I know,I know.And I'm very,very sorry."He said.

I was so mad at him but also upset at the same time that he would do something like that.

"No,no.Just forget it.I can't stand to be around you."I said.

I turned around and started walking towards Crystal.

"I don't care if you hate me now or if you still want to be with Brandon,but I just want you to know,that I love you too and I always want to be with you.I've never felt this way about anyone besides you and I just wish that you would be mine forever.But If you don't,that's fine.I just want you to know,I love you and I would die for you."He said.

I stopped as he said that.I started crying tears of joy.But I turned around towards Kian,ran over to him and hugged him then kissed him.We kissed for about 30 seconds,maybe even more.But our lips seperated and we looked into each other's eyes.

"You really care about me that much?"I asked him.

"More."He said.

I hugged him tightly and I lay my head on chest,as he was so much taller then me.

"I just want to know if you love me the same?"He asked me.

I looked up at him.Then turned away without saying anything.We seperated our hug.

"Oh,I see."He said.

"No Kian.I do."I said with a little smile.

"But Brandon..."I said as I got interrupted.

"What about Brandon?"Kian asked getting a little upset.

"I just can't break his heart.I want to be with you Kian,but I also want to be with Brandon."I told him.

"Lexi,I'm not telling you to move on or anything.It's your choice but..."He said.

He paused.

"Have memories with one you loved,but make new memories and know he's the one."Kian finished.

(Someone named ariboobreezy commented that on Chapter 18 of this story.I thought that was totally true.And I knew I just had to put that in this story.I hope she's not mad that I put her quote in here.ut I'd like to make a shout out to her cause I absolutely love that quote and uh yeah.) 

I looked at him with my eyes tearing up again.He smiled.Then I hugged him as tight as I could.

"I love you Kian."I said.

"I love you too."He said to me.

But Kian seperated from the hug.We were standing face to face across from each other.He was holding my hands.

"Lexi,will you be my girlfriend?"He asked me.

I wanted to say yes.But I had to break the news to Brandon first before I said yes.

"I have to break the news to Brandon first."I told Kian.

"You don't have to."A voice said.

I turned around and saw.... 

Authors Note

Hey guys.I hope you enjoyed.Sorry it was short but I think this is a VERY SPECIAL CHAPTER!!! as what the title says.But uh yeah.I hope you guys enjoyed.And I will see yous oon.Biez!

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