Chapter 28

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Lexi's POV

It was the next morning and I woke up at around 10.I got dressed and went down stairs.My dad and brother were both gone.So I was home alone.But I got a bowl of cereal.I started eating it while watching tv.I finished my cereal when my phone rang.I answered it.

"Hello."I said.


It was Chrystal and she sounded really worried.

"What is it Chrystal?"I asked.

"It's Brandon!He's gone!"She said.

"What!"I said.

"I think it's because of yesterday.He left me a note this morning.He said that he was leaving because you don't care about him anymore."She said.

"No!I was just angry.Of course I still care about him.Oh,Chrystal.Meet me at the park and hurry."I said.

"You got it Lexi."She said.

Then we hung up.I turned off the tv and ran out of the house.I ran to the park.I got there and found Chrystal.Ryan was with her.

"I don't think it's too far away."Chrystal said.

"No,no.Of course not.It's right down the street.I know where it is."I said.

"Alright well then let's go."Ryan said.

"Ok,follow me."I said.

So I started running to the airport.Chrystal and Ryan followed.I was hoping we would make it in time.But I don't know what time his flight was at.Hopefully we won't be too late. 

Authors Note

Hey guys!I know it's short but you all wanted me to update so bad,so I did what I could.I hope you guys are a little bit happier now that I updated.But I have to go.See you guys on the next update.Biez!

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