Chapter 38

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Jc's POV

It was 10:30 in the morning and today was the fourth day of Kian in the hospital.I went to the hospital yesterday and the nurses told me that they should know how Kian is today and weather he should be out or not.But I just finished getting ready and I headed downstairs.Connor and Ricky were just getting ready to leave.

"Morning boys."I said.

"Morning Jc.You going somewhere?"Ricky asked.

"Yeah,I'm gonna go see how Kian's doing."I told them.

"Oh you want us to come?"Connor asked.

"Nah,it's fine.You guys have shopping to do and Lexi's coming with."I said.

"Oooo,who's she dating,you or Kian?"Ricky asked joking.

"Eww,gross.Neither."I said.

"Ok sure,Jc."Connor joked.

"Oh shut up you two!"I yelled.

"Ok,Ok.Well,we gotta go.Bye Jc."Connor said.

"Bye."Ricky said.

"Bye."I said back.

Then the two left.I left the house and went next door to get Lexi so we can go.I rung the doorbell and a boy opened the door.He looked around my age.

"Umm,who are you?"He asked.

"Umm,the name's Jc.Is um Lexi home?"I asked him.

"Lexi,as in my ugly,annoying,lamo of a little sis?"He asked me.

"Umm,I guess."I said.

"Lexi!Some guy named Jc is here to see you!"He yelled.

"So Jc,why are you hear to see my sister?"He asked.

"Oh,no reason,we're just gonna go see a friend."I told him.

"Friend?My sister doesn't have any friends."He said.

"That's not true.She has lots of friends.Like Crystal and Brandon and Ryan and Kian."I said.

"Who's Kian?"He asked.

"Well Kian has a massive crush on...."I started to say but I stopped myself.

This is Lexi's older brother.If I told him that Kian likes Lexi,he would tell her.I can't have that happen.

"Kian has a massive crush on who?My sister?"He asked.

"Oh,no,no.Just never mind.Kian is just a friend of Lexi's."I told him.

"Dillian,who's at the door?"Lexi asked as she walked over.

So,his name is Dillian.But Lexi saw me.

"Oh,hey Jc."Lexi said.

Dillian walked away.

"Umm,you ready to go?"I asked Lexi.

"Uh yeah,let me just grab my wallet,just in case."She said.

Lexi left to grab her wallet then came back.She stepped outside and closed the door behind her.We started walking to the hospital.

Authors Note

Hey guys,hope you enjoyed.Sorry it was kinda boring.And I'll try to update more often.But I gotta go.Biez!

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