Chapter 51

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Lexi's POV

"no."I finished.

"What!"He yelled.

"You chose that jerk instead of me?!"He asked angrily.

"Yes,I did.I chose him over you because I realized that he's not the jerk.It's you.You've made people go to the hospital.And he didn't."I told Brandon.

"But he's bullied you,I would never do that to you."He said.

"He bullied me because he was truly in love with me.And I feel the same for him.Do whatever you'd like,weather it's hurt me or hate me or anything.Just whatever you do,don't hurt Kian."I told him.

"Lexi,we had something.Everyone knew it.But you just want the guys who are jerks and not the guys who love you and care for you and protect you."Brandon said.

"That's the thing.You don't love me,you don't care for me and you are way too protective.You only started dating me because you didn't think i could take care of my self,but I totally can."I said.

"Lexi,that's not why I dated you,I dated you because I felt sorry for you from being bullied."He said.

I got a little upset about that,I don't know why but I did.

"Well,now I don't get bullied anymore,so you don't have to feel sorry anymore.I'm just glad to finally get away from you being such an over protective jerk."I said.

I turned and started walking away,but before I could,Brandon grabbed my arm.

"Wait."He said.

I turned to look at him with an annoyed face.

"What?"I asked him annoyed.

"Can we atleast be friends?"He asked me.

I snatched my arm out of his grip.

"I don't think so,sorry Brandon."I said.

Then I walked away.I turned and watched as Brandon had tears from his face and started walking home.Now I felt bad.But I made my decision and I already told him no...surprisingly.But I texted Kian telling him to meet me at a cafe just down the street.

To Kian:Hey,meet me at the cafe down the street from the park. 

He texted me back instantly. 

From Kian:Ok,see you soon. 

We stopped texting.I put my phone in my pocket and I started walking to the cafe. 

Authors Note

Hey guys,sorry this one was short.But at least you know who's the one.But umm yeah,don't have much to say accept for I hope you guys enjoyed and I will see you in the next chapter.Biez!

Bullied by Kian LawleyWhere stories live. Discover now