Chapter 24

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Lexi's POV

We rushed to the hospital and ran inside with Ryan and Jc carrying Kian.They set him down on one of the chairs.Suprisingly,the hospital wasn't that busy.But all 4 of us went up to the front counter.

"Good afternoon,what do you need help with?"The woman behind the counter asked.

"Our friend is hurt."Jc said.

"Yeah but we don't exactly know what's wrong with him."Crystal said.

"He got in a fight and lost."Ryan said.

"And now he has his arms wrapped around his stomach like it hurts,and he's coughing up blood."I said.

"And he was moaning and groaning in pain the whole ride here."Jc added.

"Alright,we will get to you as soon as we can,but it will be about 15 to 20 minutes."She said.

"Ok,thank you."I said.

"Mhmm."She said.

Then we walked away.We walked over to Kian.I was suprised it will only be 15 to 20 minutes.I mean wherever I live,it's always like at least 30 minutes to an hour or longer.I'm so suprised.But we went back to Kian and sat down.He knew we sat down and he looked up at us.

"How long til they can help?"He asked.

"Oww."He said afterwards.

"What's wrong?"I asked.

"It hurts when I talk."He said.

"Oww."He said.

"Oh,well she said it will be 15 to 20 minutes."I told him.

"Ugh,I wish it will be quicker."He said.

"What are you talking about.This is the quickest amount of time I've ever waited in a hospital."I said.

"Yeah,it's not too busy today."Jc said.

"Well,I better call the guys and tell them about the bad news."Jc said.

Then he got up and walked over to a corner.He took out his phone and called someone.Ryan,Crystal and I just sat there.Soon Jc got off the phone and walked back over.Kian looked up at Jc.

"I told Connor and Ricky about the bad news and they're on their way."Jc told Kian.

"Ok."Kian said.

"Oww."He said.

"Are you ok,Kian?"I asked.

"Mhmm.I'm fine.It just hurts."He said.

"Good,I'm glad."I said.

"Umm,Lexi.Can we talk to you?"Crystal asked me.

"Yeah of course."I said.

Ryan,Crystal and I got up and went outside the hospital.We started talking.

"Lexi,why are we here?"Crystal asked me.

"What do you mean,why are we here?We're here to help Kian!"I said.

"We know but why do you care so much?"Crystal asked.

"I mean he bullies you."Ryan added.

"Yeah,well.I'm being nice and supportive.If you don't want to stay,then go home.I'm gonna stay and help him,whether you want to or not."I told them.

Then I walked back inside.I sat down with the others.Crystal and Ryan decided to stay,so they came back in and sat down next to me.We waited. 

Authors Note

Hey guys.Hope you enjoyed.I don't have much to say,but I do have a surprise for you guys in the future.Anyway,I'm gonna go.Biez!

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