Chapter 5

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Kian's POV

That kiss was amazing.I've always had a crush on her and I've always wanted to do that.And doing it right in front of her boyfriend was even better.I just hope that she will have feelings for me eventually.

Lexi's POV

I can't believe I'm saying this,but I actually liked the kiss.I felt something different.But that can't be,I don't like him,I can't.Can I?Do I?No,no,no.Ugh!!!!!!!!

But Brandon walked me home.We got to my house and we walked up to the front door.

"Look,Lexi.I have a special surprise for you."Brandon said.

He grabbed my hands.We looked at each other.

"Your best friend Crystal from home,she is..."He started to say.

"She's coming to visit?!"I asked excited

"Yup.Her and her brother will be staying with me in my apartment."He said.

"That's so cool!It'd be so good to see her."I said.

"Yeah,alright.I'll see you tomorrow."Brandon said.

"Yup,bye."I said.

Brandon kissed me on the cheek and left.I went back inside.

"You have fun today,honey."My dad asked as I walked in.

"Yup,and Brandon told me that Crystal and her brother are coming to visit and their gonna be staying with Brandon in his apartment."I told him.

"Wait.Crystal as in hot and talented Crystal?"My brother asked.

"Yes,my best friend Crystal."I said.

Dillian has always had a crush on Crystal.Ever since we were in high school,my brother's had a massive crush on her.But she's never liked him.It's kinda annoying because he's always bothering us.

I went up to my room and played on my laptop.

Brandon's POV

Lexi said that Kian kissed her and I saw that.But it kinda looked like she liked the kiss.And that made me a little mad.But maybe she didn't.I hope she didn't. 

Authors Note

This chapter was kinda boring,but I did introduce the new characters,well barely.Though you know what place they take.Crystal is Lexi's best friend.Her brother is Brandon's best friend.But that's really all.But I hope you guys enjoyed and I will see you on the next update.Biez!

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