Chapter 41

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Kian's POV ~OMG Kian?!~ 

I woke up letting out a breath of air after Lexi left the room.I couldn't believe what she said.She said that she should have chose me over Brandon and that she really misses me...and that she loves me.

But I was awake the whole time,I didn't die,I would never,well i'm hoping I won't until I get old.But it was just a joke.I knew that if I pretended to die,that Lexi will show her true feelings about me.I was right.But maybe I went a little too far,but at least I got her to tell me that she loves me.

But I sat up and threw my legs off the bed but still sitting down on the bed.The doctor came in.

"Thanks dude for playing along."I said.

"No problem.I only did it cause that's how I found out that my wife loved me."He said.

"Anyway,what did she say?"He asked.

"Well,she said that she misses me,and that she should have chose me and not Brandon which is her boyfriend from where she lived before and her boyfriend for now..."I said.

"And that she loved me."I said.

"Ohhh,well done dude."The doctor said.

He high fived me.I guess me and him were kinda friends now.I mean he looks about mid-20's,so he's not too old for us to be friends.

"But uh,we need you to get out of here soon so we can use this room for other patients."The doctor said.

"Yeah,I'll leave soon."I said.

"But can you give me a few minutes to chgange back into my other clothes?"I asked him.

"Yeah,of course."He said.

Then he walke dout of the room closing the door.I changed from my hospital clothes to my clothes I came here with.Then after that,I said goodbye to the doctor and left.I headed back home.

Lexi's POV

While I was waiting for Crystal,I called Jc about Kian.I went outside to call.

"Hello."Jc answered.

"Hey Jc,it's Lexi."I said in between sniffs.

He could tell I was crying.

"Oh my gosh Lexi,are you crying?!"He asked me.

"A little."I said.

He was silent for a few seconds.

"Oh no,is it cause of Kian?"He asked.

"Mhmm."I said starting to cry even more.

"He didn't make it,did he?"Jc asked me.

"Nope."I said.

"Oh my god."Jc said.

I could tell Jc was starting to cry.

"I had to tell you,I'm so sorry about your friend.I really am,it's all my fault and I can't be any more sorry."I said.

"Lexi,stop.It's not all your's your dumb boyfriend's."Jc said.

"Yes,and I'm very,very sorry about him.He's a jerk and I shouldn't have ever let him anywhere near Kian or anywhere where Kian can see me."I said.

"Lexi,stop!Just calm down,we can talk later about it.I have to go for now though ok."Jc said.

"Yeah,ok.And I'm sorry...again."I said again.

"It's fine."Jc said.

Then we hung up.I put my phone back in my pocket,then sat down up against the wall with my head down crying to death waiting for Crystal to get here. 

Authors Note

Hey guys!That was surprising huh!Bet you didn't see that coming!But uh yeah,now I'm like obsessed with this story and I just want to update more and more and I hope you guys are happy about that.But gotta go update more.Biez!

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