Chapter 37

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Lexi's POV

The movie ended and now we were on our way to go grab some lunch.We went to Pizza Hut cause we were in the mood for some pizza.This was a sit down pizza hut so we sat down after we ordered.We kinda just talked for a little.

After about 10 minutes,I looked over Brandon who was sitting infront of me,and saw Jc.He did a hand movement telling me to follow him.So I did.

"Umm,I'll be right back.I have to go to the bathroom."I said getting up from the booth.

"K."They said.

Then I went over to Jc.He was somewhere where the others couldn't see us.

"What?"I asked him.

"I need you to come over tonight."He said.

"Why?"I asked him.

"I need to talk to you about Kian."Jc said.

"Why can't you tell me right now?"I asked him.

"Well,I guess I could."He said.

"Today,I went to the hospital to go see how Kian was doing.They told me to go back tomorrow.But Ricky and Connor are going shopping with a friend and I don't wanna go by myself.Can you come with me?I'm scared to know what might happen."He explained.

"Well,I don't know..."I said.

I thought about it.

"Please Lexi.Kian's my best friend and I care about him a lot.And I know you care about him just as much as I do.I've seen the way you guys look at each other.You both act tough around each other,but I know you guys care about each other a lot.And I know you want to know how he's doing too.Please,Lexi.Come with me."He tried to convince me.

"Fine,I'll go.But you cannot tell my friends.Brandon will get so angry with me if he knew I was going to the hospital to see Kian.So promise me you won't tell my friends,not even Crystal."I told him.

"I promise."He said.

"Ok,now I never saw you here,k."I said.

"Alright."Jc said.

Then I actually went to the bathroom.

Ryan's POV

After Lexi left to go to the bathroom,I had to too.So I started walking towards the bathroom.I stopped as I heard Lexi's voice.I kinda peeked my head over there and saw Jc and Lexi talking.I heard everything.When I heard them saying not to tell any of Lexi's friends,I knew I had to tell Brandon.So I ran straight back to the table and told Brandon and Crystal everything.


"And Lexi told Jc not to tell any of us,so don't tell her any of this."I told them.

"What's so wrong with her going to go check on kian with Jc?"Crystal asked.

"What's wrong is that Lexi has feelings for Kian."Brandon said getting angry.

"How do you even know?I mean Ryan,did you hear Lexi say that she liked or cared about him?"Crystal asked me.

"Well,no.But Jc was saying that he knows how much Lexi cares about him and stuff."I said.

"But if Lexi didn't say anything,then you don't know."Crystal said.

Why was Crystal so eager to not want us to think lexi likes Kian?But I saw Lexi coming back.

"Shush,here she comes.Don't talk about it anymore."I demanded.

Lexi got to the booth,but before she could sit down,Brandon angrily got up from the table and left towards the bathrooms.

"What's his problem?"Lexi asked sitting down.

"We don't know."I said.

But our pizza finally got here.We started eating without Brandon.  

Authors Note

Hey guys!I am as sorry as I could ever be for not updating in so long.You guys have been telling me to update FOREVER and I am so,so,so,SO sorry.But I hope you enjoyed and I will see you soon.Biez!

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