Chapter 19

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Lexi's POV

I woke up the next morning at 9:30.Last night,I had the craziest dream.It was about me and Kian.For some odd reason,I chose...Kian,over Brandon.And because I chose Kian,all of my friends hated me.But then I met these new people there were like 5 of them.They were all boys and one was Jc and they all were friends with Kian.But I've never met these people before.It was such a crazy dream.

But I got up,showered and got dressed.I put on a pair of white short shorts and a black tank top and over the tank top,I put on a white crop top over it that said the word "SPORTS" on it in black letters.I put on some black socks and put on some black and white converse.Then I did my hair.

I braided my hair and it laid on my shoulder.I left my bangs out.Then I put on a black and white snap back that said LA on it.Then I put on a little bit of makeup.Just a little bit,I'm not that interested in makeup.Then I went downstairs and ate a quick bowl of cereal.

Today I was gonna go grocery shopping because my brother keeps eating up all the food.So I left my house at around 11 and got there 10 minutes later.I was looking up and down the isles.I was looking for all sorts of healthy stuff.But my brother is kinda a junk-a-holic.So I got all sorts of snacks like chips and crackers.But I love healthy food so i got fruits and vegetables and yogurt for me.

I came to the dairy isle.I was looking at all the dairy products and thought about what I was gonna get.I got the milk section.There was someone else there but I didn't bother to see who it was.But I walked over near the person.They were by the milk.But I grabbed a carton,then that person grabbed the same one.Our hands were touching.I looked up to see Kian.I took my hand away.

"I'm sorry."He said.

"No,it's fine."I said.

He picked up the carton and gave it to me.

"Why are you giving it to me?"I asked him.

"You got it first."He said.

"No,go ahead have it.You were here first."I said.

"No!"He said.

He grabbed my hand and gave me the carton.His hand was on top of mine...again.

"You can have it.There's more here that I can get.I insist on you having it."He said.

Then he smiled.I just looked at him.I felt different.I didn't know what it was.But I smiled back.I grabbed the milk carton and he let go.I put the carton in my shopping cart.I turned to see Kian putting another milk carton in his shopping cart.As he turned around I punched him in the arm.

"Owww!"He yelled.

"That was for the necklace."I said.

"I thought you liked it?!"He asked.

"I did."I said.

"Then why'd you hit me?"He asked punching me on my arm.

I rubbed my arm where he hit me.

"Because."I said punching him again.

He pushed me.I shoved him back.He pushed me again.

"Stop shoving me!"I said shoving him harder.

We both fell onto the ground.He was on his back while I fell on him.We both started laughing.We were close.We stopped laughing and we both smiled at each other.I felt the feeling again.I looked into his eyes.Then I thought about Brandon.My smile went away.Then Kian's smile went away.I got up and stood up.Kian got up after me.I dusted off my clothes.

"Sorry Kian."I apologized.

"Don't apologize.We were just messing around."He said.

"Yeah.Well anyway,gotta go.I'll see you later."I said.

"Yeah,see you later."He said.

Then we both went separate directions.

Authors Note

Hey guys,hope you enjoyed this chapter.I know I haven't updated and I'm really sorry.But I will try to update more often.Anyway hope you enjoyed.Now I gotta go.Biez!

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