Chapter 35

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Lexi's POV

It was the next morning.It was 9:00 and I got up and got dressed.I remembered that I was supose to go hang out with Chrystal,Brandon and Ryan today at 11.But it was still early and I didn't want to wait at home bored for 2 hours.So I decided to go walk around town.And it wasn't too hot,nor to cold.It was perfect.So I got my shoes on and left the house.I started walking.

It's been about 15 minutes and I was at the park.I didn't know which way to go.I decided to head towards the hospital.Besides,it was kinda peaceful down that road considering it was the hospital.But I started walking again.After about 5 minutes I saw the hospital.I decided since I'm already here,why not visit Kian.See how he's doing.So I walked in.I went over to the counter.It was the same lady as yesterday.

"Hello."I said.

She looked up at me.She recognized me.

"Oh you again."She said rolling her eyes.

"Yeah,me again.Anyway,can I see Kian?"I asked her.

"Yeah,yeah whatever.You know what room."She said.

I walked away.

"Well she's kinda rude."I said to myself.

But I walked down the hallway till I got to Kian's room.The door was closed.I looked in thge window and I saw a doctor in there with him.I shouldn't bother them,so I kinda just sat down at one of the chairs that were outside the room.After about 10 minutes,the doctor came out.I stood up and he saw me.

"How is he?"I asked the doctor.

The doctor ignored me and just walked away.I was worried.I really hope he's ok.But I walked in.There was a chair already by the bed.Kian was lay on his back with his hands on his stomach.His eyes were closed.I was really hoping he was just sleeping.But I sat down on the chair.

"Hi Kian."I said.

He didn't move or say anything.

"Weather you can hear me or not,I really hope you are feeling much,much better.And I really hope your just sleeping right now."I said.

"No matter what happens,I will always be here for you."I said.

I thought about what to say.I looked away for a moment.But then looked back.It looked like he moved a little bit,but it didn't seem like it.

"Kian..."I started to say.

"I know you probably can't here me right now,or you probably don't feel the same but..."I said.

"I love you."I said.

Then I leaned down and kissed him on the lips.It went on for about 7 seconds.Then I leaned back up and got up.I started walking out the door.But I looked back at him.

"Please don't be dead."I said.

Then walked out the door.I walked back down the hallway and out the building.I went to Starbucks to grab a quick cofee.While I was drinking it,I then realized.What have I done? 

Authors Note

Boom!I'm pretty sure I left you with a cliffhanger.Anyway,I know this special chapter was pretty short but to me it was special.It wasn't too special,but it was special.And I hope you guys agree.And I really love you guys.You guys are a really big support and thank you.I gotta go but I will see you guys soon.Biez!

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