Chapter 8

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Lexi's POV

I couldn't stop thinking about yesterday.It felt different yesterday.I felt a tiny spark yesterday with the kiss.But that can't be.I don't have feelings for Kian.Do I?No,I can't.Ugh,this is so confusing.But I have other things I'd rather think about.

Brandon's POV

We got to Lexi's street and parked the car.I kinda forgot what house was her's.But I think it was the one further away from my car.I just knew that it was a two story.But there was 2 houses that were two stories and I'm pretty sure it was the one on the right .So Chrystal,Ryan and I walked up to the porch.I rang the door bell and waited.Soon the door opened.

In the house was a boy.He was short and had black hair.And he looked familiar,but not really.

"Hello."He said.

"Oh,sorry.I must have got the wrong house."I said.

Then I heard another voice coming from inside.And that voice seemed familiar.

"Jc,who's at the door?"The voice asked.

Then someone came to the door.It was Kian.

"Oh,well look who it is."He said.

"Kian."I said.

"Brandon,do you know these people?"Chrystal asked.

"Yes."I said.

"Who are these people Brandon?"Kian asked.

"None of your business!"I said aggressively.

"You people know Lexi?"Kian asked them.

"Yup,I'm Chrystal.Her best friend and this is my brother Ryan,her other friend."Chrystal said with a smile.

Ugh,why did she have to tell them.

"So,Lexi does have friends."Kian said.

"And she has a hot friend too."Jc said flirting with Chrystal.

"Thanks,but I'm not in the mood for a relationship."Chrystal said.

"Yeah,and keep your hands off my little sister."Ryan said.

"I never touched her!"Jc said.

"Then keep it that way."Ryan said.

"Jc,just stop."Kian said.

"I'm sorry for coming to the wrong house.I thought this was Lexi's."I said.

"Well,then pay attention.You don't even know where your girlfriend lives."Kian said.

"Look you."I said getting closer.

"It's only my second day here.And at least I can get a smokin girl like her!"I said.

"I can too,why do you think I kissed her."He said.

I froze up.Why did he kiss her?I snapped out of it.

"Look,you stay away from her.She's my girlfriend,and I don't think she wants to be bullied by a jerkface like you."I said.

"You don't know anything.Maybe she does have feelings for me."He said.

Then he walked away.

"I'll see you later hotstuff."Jc said and he winked at Chrystal.

Chrystal rolled her eyes and we left their doorway.

"Brandon,who was that?"Chrystal asked.

"That's Kian,he's...well...let's just say,he's not so nice to Lexi."I said.

"What did he mean about him kissing Lexi?"Chrystal asked.

"Just an incident that happened."I said.

"She didn't cheat on you right?"Chrystal asked.

"No."I said.

Then we went to the other 2 story house which must have been Lexi's. 

Authors Note

I really like this story so far! Don't you?If you do like it,leave me some comments,even If you don't like it,still leave me some comments.Just tell me what you think.I'll see you guys on the next update.Biez!

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