Chapter 3

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Lexi's POV

It's been a few days and every day I would go out and do something,but I would always run into Kian and he would do something to me.He stole my pennyboard,he would call me names,he would hit me and he's just a big bully.But Brandon comes tomorrow morning and I don't want him to.But I guess I can't tell him now.He's already on his way to the airport.

It was 6:00 and me,my dad and my brother were eating dinner.My dad asked about our day and once again my brother just kept babbling about his day.He told every little detail.But that's good because,then I don't have to tell dad about Kian.We've been here for almost a week now and he still doesn't know about Kian,which is good.

"Alright,Dillian.That's enough.Lexi how was your day?"My dad asked.

I was shocked.He never tells Dillian to stop!

"Uh my day...It was uh good.Went to the park,ate something at a restaurant.It was good."I lied.

That's what happened,accept today at the restaurant,I got my food,had a couple bites,then left to use the restroom.I came back to see my food wasn't there.I looked over at a different table to see Kian with my food and he had a grin on my face.So instead of eating.I just paid and left,I just got a candy bar from the candy shop.

"Well,good.I'm glad you had a good day."My father said then took a bite of his chicken.

"Hey dad,I have something to tell you."I said.

"What is it honey?"He asked.

"Brandon's coming to visit."I told him.

"Brandon?Tall,brown hair?"My dad asked.

"Yeah that one."I said.

"Oh,I love that boy."He said.

"Yeah but he's renting an apartment."I told him.

"Well,It'd be good to see him,when does he come?"My father asked.

"He arrives tomorrow morning at 11."I told him.

"Oh awesome."He said.

We all talked and ate.I went to bed at midnight. 

Authors Note

I have the perfect idea for the next chapter and I think you all will like it.I know I will!!Well I will see you guys on the next update.................Biez!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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