Chapter 30

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Lexi's POV

It was the next day and I woke up at 9:30.Last night,I didn't get home til 10.I stayed over at their apartment watching movies and hanging out.But today,I wanted to be nice and do something for Kian.I wanted to bring him something.Like food or something.

But I got dressed and did my hair.I went downstairs and grabbed my wallet.I headed to the door and left.I started walking but then stopped.I realized I didn't know anything about Kian,accept for he's a jerk.So I was gonna risk it and go ask Jc if he knows anything about Kian.Besides I kinda want my pennyboard back that Kian stole from me a while back.

But I went over to there house and rung the doorbell hoping someone was up.I waited for about half a minute.Then the door opened with one of Kian and Jc's friends behind it.

"Hey,it's Connor right?"I asked.

"Yeah,your Lexi right?"He asked.

"Yeah.I'm just hear to see if Jc was home?"I asked him.

"No,he's out at the moment.Did you need something?"He asked me.

"Yeah,I need a couple of things actually."I said.

"First,I wanted to know if I could have my pennyboard that Kian took from me?"I asked him.

He looked confused.

"Pennyboard?Kian didn't take a pennyboard from anyone."He told me.

"Yeah he did."I told him.

Connor thought for a moment.

"It was black and purple."I told him.

"Black and purple?"He asked.

"Yup."I said.

"Hold on a sec."He said.

"Ok."I said.

Then he ran upstairs.He came back about a minute later with my pennyboard.

"This one?"He asked holding it up.

"Yeah."I said.

"Are you sure because he told me that he bought it from Walmart."He said.

"Yeah,I'm pretty sure.Look on the back,is there a peace sign in Sharpie?"I asked him.

He turned it over and looked around.There was the peace sign by the wheel that I drew a year ago.

"Oh yeah."He said.

"That's mine."I said.

"Are you posotive?"He asked.

"I'm posotive."I said.

"Ok."He said.

He gave my pennyboard back.

"Is that everything?"He asked.

"No."I said.

"I also wanted to ask what is a food that Kian likes?"I asked him.

"Why?"He asked.

"Well I want to be a good friend,even though he can be a jerk sometimes,and bring him something since he's in the hospital."I told him.

"Well,you might want to bring him a drink,cause food will make his stomach hurt.So get him an Arizona Tea.He loves that."Connor said.

"Really?Me too.Alright well thanks Connor."I said.

"Mhm.Bye Lexi."He said.

"Bye Connor."I said.

Then I left their porch.I took my pennyboard and started heading to Walgreens to get some drinks.

Connor's POV

Lexi left.She told me a few things about Kian.She told me that he can be a jerk sometimes and she told me that the pennyboard that Kian "bought" was hers.Was she lying or was Kian.Kian's my best friend,I don't think he would lie to me.But he is the kind of person who will take someone else's things.But Lexi doesn't seem like the kind of person who would take things but then again I know nothing about her.

I didn't know who to believe.But maybe I'm one step closer to figureing out what Kian and Jc aren't telling me and Ricky...well if there is something going on.But I went back to what I was doing before the doorbell rung. 

Authors Note

Hey guys!Hope you enjoyed this chapter.I haven't updated in forever and I am so,so,so,SO sorry about that.But yeah,again hope you enjoyed this chapter and I will update soon.Biez!

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