Chapter 10

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Lexi's POV

We got to the park.

"So what do you guys want to do?"I asked them.

Crystal and Ryan looked around.Crystal saw kids playing soccer.

"Hey,let's ask those kids If we can play with them."Crystal suggested.

"Sure."Ryan said.

"Yeah,Lexi,how about you?"Brandon asked.

"Hey,when was there a time I didn't want to play soccer?"I asked all of them.

"Good point.Let's go ask."Brandon said.

We walked over to the 4 kids.They stopped playing and they looked at us.

"Hi kids."Crystal said.

"Whatsup hotstuff?"Asked one of the boys.

"Excuse me?!"Crystal said.

"Chad!Don't say that!"Yelled one of the girls.

Then the little girl ran over to us.

"I'm sorry.I'm Lindsay,this is my brother Chad,my best friend Stacy and her brother Lance."The little girl introduced.

"Well I'm Crystal,this is my brother Ryan,my best friend Lexi and her boyfriend Brandon."Chrystal introduced us.

"Nice to meet you."Said the little girl.

"If you don't mind me asking,how old are you guys?"I asked.

"Stacy and I are 12 and Lance and Chad are 13."She said.

"If you don't mind,can we play with you guys?"Brandon asked.

"Yeah sure,we can do boys vs girls!"Stacy said.

"Yeah,let's go!"Crystal said.

So we joined the children and played a little game. 

Authors Note

I was gonna have Kian bully Lexi in this chapter but it would be too long,so I didn't.But atleast we got further in the story,right.Well,I'll see you on the next update.Biez!

Bullied by Kian LawleyWhere stories live. Discover now