Chapter 29

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Lexi's POV

Chrystal,Ryan and I got to the airport.

"Lexi,do you know where to find the list of flight times?"Chrystal asked.

"No,but we will find it."I said.

We all started running trying to find out what time the flight is.But we were on the second floor.We stopped because we were all tired.

"Did you find it?"Ryan asked in between breaths.

"No."I said.

"I did."Chrystal said.

She pointed up in front of us.

"Oh,how convenient."I said.

I scrolled down the list and found the time.I read it out loud to the other two.

"Phoenix,Arizona,time flight 11:50."I read.

Chrystal checked the time.

"It's 11:30.They probably already started boarding.Let's hurry!"Chrystal said.

So we all ran.We found out what terminal he was in.We ran to it as fast as we could.We stopped when we entered the terminal.I looked around.I saw Brandon at the vending machine.I ran over and hugged him.He dropt his wallet.

"Lexi?"He asked.

I stopped hugging him.I just looked at him with a relieved look on my face.

"I'm so glad you didn't leave yet."I said.

"You are?"He asked.

"Of course I am.Look Brandon.I did get mad at you yesterday but that doesn't mean I don't care about you anymore.And I never even broke up with you."I told him.

"I know.I just don't get why you were so,so,SO mad at me.I mean I understand why you would eb a little amd at me but you were a little more mad then I thought you would be considering it was someone who bullies you."He said.

"Look,I was a little more mad then I wanted to be.But half of the reason was because I saw you do something like that in the past.And I know how hard you can punch.I'm glad that you are strong and that you will protect me,I just don't want you hurting people and sending them to the hospital,like yesterday,ok."I told him.

"Ok.But does this mean you're not mad at me anymore and you forgive me?"He asked me.

"Yes,i'm not mad at you anymore.And how can i forgive you if you never apologized?"I asked him.

He took a deep breath.

"Alright,I'm sorry about yesterday."He aplogized.

"I forgive you."I said then kissing him on the cheek.

Brandon picked up his wallet that dropt.Then the both of us,holding hands,walked over to the others.

"I see you two have made up."Chrystal said.

"Yup."I said.

"And Brandon's staying?"Ryan asked.

We all looked at him to see what he's gonna say.

"Yes,it does mean I'm gonna stay."He said.

"Yeah!"I said.

"Now,let's get back to the apartment."Brandon said.

So we all left the airport and walked back to their apartment.I was so happy.I was so glad Brandon was gonna stay.Well half of me was.The otehr half wanted him to go and wanted me to get together with Kian.But I just don't think that will happen.Well,it might.I'm not sure. 

Authors Note

Ohhh!How about that ending?A couple chapters ago when the fight happened.Someone commented saying that now amybe Lexi will get together with Kian.I think I might have just ended that.But maybe she will.I'm not sure quite yet.But I hope you guys enjoyed and I will see you soon.Biez!

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