Chapter 44

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Jc's POV

"You're here and alive!"I said.

Connor and Ricky walked over to us.We all hugged each other.

"Yup,I am."Kian said.

"But Lexi told me you were dead."I said confused.

"Nope.I'm alive.But Lexi did think I was dead."Kian said.

I thought about it.But I was totally lost.

"Ok,I'm lost."I said.

"Well,I played a little trick on Lexi."He said.

"About you being dead?"I asked him.

"Yeah."He answered.

"Dude,when she finds out that you're alive and you tricked her,she will be super mad."Connor said.

"Yeah,but I only tricked her to see how she feels about me."Kian said.

"Really,what did she say?"Ricky asked.

"Well,she said that she missed me and that she should have chose me over Brandon..."Kian said.

"And she kissed me on the lips and said that she loved me."He finished.

"Ooooo!Kian,you go man!"I said.

"Yeah,but I want to go see Lexi."Kian said.

"Dude,she's gonna be so mad with you."I said.

"I know."Kian said.

"But,I guess I don't care.I just want her to know that I am alive and that I love her too."He said.

"Aww Kian."Connor teased.

"Dude,but I don't think she's home."I said.

"Well,when she comes home,I'll tell her."Kian said.

"Alright,but just prepare to be slapped or somethin."I said.

Then we all made a video,just the four of us. 

Lexi's POV

Crystal and I were done at McDonalds and we decided to go back to my house.We got to my house and we walked in.I found my dad sitting on the couch watching tv.

"Hey dad,Crystal's here."I told him.

"Ok."He said.

"We'll be upstairs if you want me."I said.

"K."He said.

The two of us went upstairs.We started walking to my room but my brother heard us and he came out of his room stopping us.

"What do you want Dillian?"I asked.

"Crystal."He said.

Crystal and I gave each other a 'disgusted' look.

"No,Dillian."I said.

"Hey I know she wants me,she knows she wants me.We all know she wants me."Dillian said.

"No,she doesn't."I said.

"Oh yes she does."He said.

Then Crystal slapped him and pushed him into his room shutting the door.We ran to my room closing it.

"Nice going Crystal."I said.

"I know."She said as we high fived.

But we just sat on my bed talking about girl stuff. 

Authors Note

Hey guys.Sorry this one was so boring.But next one will be even better,trust me.But I gotta go,see you soon.Biez!

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