Chapter 25

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Lexi's POV

It's been about 15 minutes and Kian was about to be helped.But thats when the hospital door opened.2 boys walked in.Both looked around 20.But they walked over here.They looked familiar.

"Hey Jc,how's Kian?"One asked.

"He's fine.He's just hurting a little."Jc said.

"Not to be rude or anything,but who are these people?"The other asked.

"Oh,these are Kian's...friends,yeah friends."Jc said.

"Oh,we've seen you before."The first one said to Chrystal.

"Yeah."Chrystal said not caring.

"Well,guys.These are Kian and my roomates Connor and Ricky.Guys,this is Lexi,Chrystal and Ryan."Jc said introducing all of us.

"Hello,nice to meet you."Connor said.

"Yes,very nice to meet you."Ricky agreed.

"You too."I said.

"Yeah,very nice to meet you as well."Ryan said.

"Yup."Chrystal said not caring once again.

The two boys sat down and we all started talking.To be honest,I wasn't quite believing that these boys were Kian and Jc's roomates.I mean these two boys were super nice and caring.But Kian and Jc were never that nice.I'm just so suprised.But finally a nurse came into the waiting room where we were at.

"Kian Lawley."She said.

Jc and Connor got up to help Kian.Kian could still walk,just not very well.But they took him over there.We waited to see what would happen.

Jc's POV

Connor and I helped Kian over to the nurse.

"I'm only gonna have to have one person come with him."The nurse said.

"I'll go."I said.

"Ok.Let's go then."The nurse said.

Connor walked back to the others and I helped Kian walk.The nurse took us to a room.It was a small room with a bed,a desk,a computer on the desk and a chair behind the desk.There were also a few chairs in the room as well.But outside the room,on the door it had the number "104".But we went in the room.

"Set him on the bed."She said.

Kian put himself on the bed and he slowly lay down.

"Ahhhh,it feels so good to lay down."He said.

I sat down on one of the chairs while the nurse sat down in the chair behind the desk.

"So what's wrong with him?"She asked me.

"Well,actually,we don't know.His stomach is just hurting and he's coughing up blood."I told her.

"Well,do you know what happened to amke this happen?"She asked me.

"Yeah,he got in a fight.The guy he was fighting hit him right in the stomach.Kian instantly fell on his knees.He had his hands wrapped around his stomach and was coughing up blood."I explained.

"Alright.I'm gonna have to take an x-ray.But you can go wait now and I will get back to you soon."She said.

"Ok,thank you."I said.

I left the room and went back to the waiting room.I went to the others.

"So what did she say?"Ricky asked.

I sat down and told them everything. 

Authors Note

Hey guys.Hope you enjoyed this chapter.I know it was short and i'm sorry,but it's the best I could do.I don't have anything to say so i will see you guys in the nest chapter.Biez!

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