Chapter 4

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Lexi's POV

It was 1:30 and I was at the park with Brandon.We kinda got back together since he's gonna be staying here for 3 months which is awesome,kinda.I'm afraid he's gonna find out about Kian.But we were sitting on a park bench.I saw Kian pennyboarding.That's when I sent Brandon to go get something for me.

"Hey Brandon,I'm kinda thirsty.Can you go get me a soda from the soda stand.You know what kind I want."I told him.

"Yeah sure babe.I'll be right back."He said.

He got up and left.I got up and went by the wall.I started pacing back and forth trying to figure out what to do.That's when Kian came over with his friend Jc.

"Hey Lexi."He said.

"Look Kian,I don't want any trouble today.My friend's in town and I don't want him to know about you..."I said.

"What do you mean,you don't want him to know about me?"He asked walking closer to me.

"I don't want him to know that you bully me."I told him.

Then he pushed me against the wall.He walked over to me.He pulled me up and put his face close to me.

"Is there something wrong with him knowing stuff about you and how your life is?"He asked.

"Yeah kinda."I said.

"Hey,leave her alone!"I heard Brandon's voice demand.

Kian looked over at Brandon and so did I.

"Brandon,stay out of this!"I said.

"Who's this Lexi?"Kian asked.

"He's my friend."I told Kian.

"I'm her boyfriend Brandon...and you are?"Brandon introduced himself.

"I'm Kian."Kian introduced himself.

"Lexi this is Kian?"Brandon asked confused.

"Yes."I said.

"Lexi,this is your boyfriend?"Kian asked me.

"Yes."I said.

"If he's your boyfriend,then how would he feel about this..."Kian said.

Then Kian slammed his lips onto mine.He held them their for a few seconds then let go of me.He laughed and him and his friend walked away.Brandon ran over to me.

"Lexi are you ok?"He asked.

"Yes,and I'm sorry Brandon,for the kiss.He kissed me,I don't like hi..."I said.

"Lexi,it's ok,I understand."He said.

"Ok,good."I said.

Brandon helped me up and we sat down on the bench.

"So that's your friend Kian huh?He doesn't really seem like a friend."He said.

"That's because he's not.He's actually a bully,I don't have any friends yet."I confessed.

"Why did you lie to me?"He asked me.

"Because I didn't want you to know the truth.If I told you,you would go all protective and Kian might end up in the hospital if you did something to him."I explained.

"So you like him?"Brandon asked.

"No,I just don't want you hurting people."I told him.

"Well,if you don't want me to hurt him,I won't.But I will be protective of you.After all I do love you."Brandon said.

"I love you too Brandon."I said.

And he kissed me on the cheek.He walked me back to my place. 

Authors Note

Oooooo...what happened there.Kian,you bad boy.Anyway,that was the idea I had and I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter.In fact I hope you guys enjoyed the satory so far.Cuz I really do.Anyway,I might add a character or two.Anyway,see you guys on the next update.Biez!

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