Chapter 23

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Brandon's POV

It was later in the day.It was about 12:00 and we stopped at the park to take a break.We sat down at a bench and chatted.A few minutes later,Lexi said something.

"I'll be right back,gotta go to the bathroom."She said.

"I'll go with.I have to go too."Crystal said.

"K."Lexi said.

So the girls got up and left.Ryan and I sat there talking.Then Ryan said something I didn't want to hear.

"Kian,12:00."He said.

I turned my head and saw Kian and his friend Jc.Kian walked over to me.

"Hey Brandon,where's your dumb girlfriend.I need to talk to her."He said.

I got up and walked over to him.

"Whatever you want to tell her,you'll have to go through me first."I said.

"Dude just tell me where she is."He said.

"No,whatever you do won't make me tell you."He said.

"Look,Brandon.I don't want to start a fight.Just tell me where she is!"He said.

"You may not want to start a fight,but I do."I said.

I made a fist.

"Brandon,remember what Lexi told you."Ryan said.

I remembered about what Lexi told me.Don't start a fight.But I had to,he was a jerk to my beautiful girl.But I didn't.I unclutched my fist.

"Heh,you scared to hit me?You a scaredy cat like your girlfriend?"He asked me.

I made a fist and punched him in the gut.

"Ahhh!"He yelled.

He fell to the ground and wrapped his hands around his stomach.Then he stood up and punched me.We began to fight.Ryan ran somewhere. 

Lexi's POV

Crystal and I exited the bathroom and started walking back to the guys.But then Ryan ran over to us out of breath.

"Ryan,what's wrong?"Crystal asked.

"Heh,heh.Brandon.Heh.Kian.Heh,heh.Fighting.heh."He said in between breaths.

"Fighting!Oh no!"I said worried.

Crystal and I ran over to Brandon with Ryan running slowly behind.I got there with Brandon and Kian fighting.I saw Brandon punch him in the gut as hard as he could.Kian fell to the ground.Brandon made another fist and was about to hit Kian as he was on the ground.But I grabbed his arm and said..


Brandon stepped back.I bent down at Kian.He was looking down with his eyes closed and his arms wrapped around his stomach.

"Kian,are you ok?"I asked.

Jc came over and stood behind Kian to see if he was ok.But I grabbed his chin and pulled up his head.He took one of his hands off his stomach and over his mouth.I moved my hand.He coughed into his hand.He looked at his hand then put it back onto his stomach and closed his eyes and looked down.I grabbed his hand and looked at his palm.There was blood.I let go and stood up and turned towards Brandon.I gave him the evil eye.

"Look what you've done.He's on his knees,with his arms wrapped around his stomach and he's coughing up blood.He could be in serious pain."I said.

"Why does it matter so much to you.It's not like you have feelings for him.Do you?"He said.

"It doesn't matter whether I like him or not.It just matters to me because,I've seen this before.You've hurt someone very badly before and I thought it wouldn't happen again.But I was wrong."I said.

"Lexi,he's coughing pretty bad."Jc told me.

I turned around and got down on my knees.He was coughing pretty bad and the more he coughed,the more blood came out.It was bad.We needed to get him to a hospital.

"We need to get him to a hospital."I told Jc.

"Alright,get in my car and I'll drive."Jc said.

"Can we come too?"Crystal asked.

"Yeah,sure."Jc said.

"Me too.I'll go as well."Brandon said.

"No,stay here or leave.Your not coming with us.You already caused enough trouble."I said.

"Ryan can you help me carry him back to the car?"Jc asked Ryan.

"Yeah,of course."He said.

Ryan and Jc picked up Kian.They each put one of his arms around there neck then carried him over to Jc's car.We all got in Jc's car and he drove us to the hospital.

Brandon's POV

What just happened.Is Lexi really mad at me?Oh,I know I did something wrong.But I guess that's what I get for trying to protect her.But I sadly walked back to my apartment. 

Authors Note

Hey guys,hope you liked this chapter.Please tell me what you think.Are you sad,worried ,what. Please tell me.Anyway,gotta go.See you guys soon.Biez!

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