Chapter 49

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Lexi's POV

I ran into my house crying and ran upstairs,into my room slamming the door shut and plopping on my dad.After a little bit of me crying,my phone started ringing.I looked and the name read 'Lawley,Kian'.I soaked up the tears and stopped crying.I answered it with a simple


"Hey Lexi,It's Kian."He said.

"I know."I said.

"Have you been crying?"He asked.

I guess I didn't quite stop crying.

"A little,but don't worry about it."I told him.

"Alright,well I wanted to tell you something.I wanted to tell you this before you amde your decision.Now I know if you pick Brandon over me,one of the reasons why is probably because I have bullied you.But I need to tell you why.I've kept this a secret from you for a very long time.I've never told anyone besides Jc."He explained.

"Ok,get to the point."I told him.

"Well,the reason why I bullied you was because I was madly in love with you.I've loved you for so long but I had no clue how to tell you.But now that I've got to know you more and how you act around me made me realize that I shouldn't have been a jerk to you.I am very,very sorry,and I hope yout hink about that when making your decision."He finished.

Wow.That's different.I never knew that.I was a little shocked.

"Wow,well thanks for telling me Kian.I will definately think about this when making my decision."I told him.

"Alright well,I better go.And Lexi?"He said.

"Yeah?"I asked.

"I love you."He said.

"Ok."I said.

"Bye."I said.

I hung up.I can't believe this.He can't say 'I love you' everytime he talks to me.It makes me feel weird.Hearing that coming from someone besides Brandon or my family is different.And I can't say it back until I truly mean it.When I said it yesterday was my feelings pileing up on Kian and pushing Brandon away.But that wasn't my heart.So ic an't say those three words no more until I truly mean it.

But I just lay on my bed thinking when I heard a knock at my bedroom door. 

Crystal's POV

I left Lexi alone for a little to let her calm down.But after a little bit I went in to look for her.She wasn't downstairs,so iw ent upstairs.I came to her room to find it closed.I knocked.

"Come in."Lexi's voice said from inside the room.

I slowly opened the door to see Lexi laying on her bed.I slowly and quietly closed the door behind me.I walked over to Lexi's bed and sat down.

"Hey Lex,you ok?"I asked her sweetly.

"Yeah,but Kian called."She said.

"What did he say?"I asked her.

"Well,he said the reason why he has been bullying me was because he was truly in love with me and he had no other way to express his love to me."I told her.

It wasn't exactly what Kian said but it was close enough.

"Oh well,that's what a lot of boys do.So I understand why he's such a bully."I said.

"But he also said he loved me."She finished.

"Did you say it back?"I asked her.

"No,I couldn't.Not until I know for sure."She said.

I didn't say anything back until after a minute.

"Well,I guess I should leave you alone to let yout hink about who to pick."I suggested.

"Please."She agreed.

"I'll walk you out."Lexi said.

The two of us left her room,went downstairs and outside.But we talked for a few minutes before I left.

"I hope you make a wise decision."I told her.

"Yup,but whatever happens happens."She said.

"Yup,well bye.I'll see you soon."I said.

"Yeah,see you soon."She said.

Then I started walking back to the apartment.Lexi shut the door.

Lexi's POV

Crystal and I said goodbye.I went upstairs to think.But I had no clue who to pick until after a few hours of thinking.

Authors Note

Hey guys!Sorry this one was a little boring and short,but I tried my best.I hope you guys enjoyed and I will see you peopel soon.Biez!

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