Chapter 43

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Crystal's POV

I got to McDonalds and passed the corner.I saw someone sitting against the wall with their head down.By the hair and how they're dressed,I could tell it was Lexi.I walked over to her.

"Lexi?Are you ok?"I asked her.

She looked up.Her face was a little red and her eyes were watery.She also ahd a few tears running down her face.I saw that she was crying and I sat down up against the wall next to her.

"Lexi,what happened?"I asked her.

She turned her head to look at me.I used my jacket sleeve to wipe off her tears.

"Well,I went to the hospital today."She said.

I knew what the end of this story was gonna be.But as she told the story,she put her head down while explaining.

"First,I went with Jc.They knew how Kian was gonna be,but when i went with Jc,they didn't know yet,so they told us to come later.So I did.But Jc had to go so I went by myself.I went in Kian's room.He was lying on the bed.The machines were off and he wasn't moving.I put my ear close to him to try to hear a heartbeat.But I couldn't hear very well,but it didn't sound like there was one.I knew he was dead.But I started speaking to him anyway.Ever since,I've been crying the whole day."Lexi explained.

"Wow.That's so sad."I said feeling really bad for her.

I knew Kian and Lexi had something.This must have been so bad for her.I feel so bad for her.But she said that she was talking to him.I wonder what she said.

"Lexi I feel really bad.But I want to know what you told him?"I asked her.

"Well,I said that I missed him.And that I wish he was still here."She said.

Then she looked up at me.

"And that I should have moved on with Brandon and I should have chose Kian over Brandon."She told me.

I was shocked.How could she!Did she really mean it?!I can't believe what I'm hearing.

"Wait,real..."I started to say but Lexi interupted me.

"And I said I loved him,and I kissed him on the lips."She told me.

I was even more shocked!Does this mean she's cheating?No,cause Kian's not actually alive.But is she dating the undead?Ugh I'm so confused.But how could she?Her feelings are just crazy right now.I'm so confused.Does she love Brandon,or does she love Kian?Can she love both?Ugh,I don't know!

But I got up and started walking back and forth thinking.

"Lexi,how could you?"I asked her.

"I know.I'm a terrible girlfriend to Brandon."She said.

"No,that's not what I meant."I said.

"No Crystal.It's exactly what you meant and I agree.If I'm treating Brandon like this,then I shouldn't even date him."Lexi said.

"No Lexi...I can't believe I'm saying this,but we don't have to tell Brandon."I told her.

"Really?"Lexi asked.

"Yes,I'll keep it a secret."I told her.

Lexi started smiling.

'Yes,thank you,thank you,thank you!"She said.

"You're welcome.Now let's go get something to eat."I said.

"Ok."Lexi said.

Lexi got up and we went in.Lexi finally calmed down and stopped crying.She was still a little sad though and I could deal with that.

Brandon's POV

We got to McDonalds.We heard voices sow e stayed behind the corner.The voices were Lexi and Crystal.I heard everything.I got so mad.I just wanted to kill Lexi too.But I calmed down.Ryan saw me getting mad.I made a fist,so he knew I wanted to hit Lexi or something.

"Brandon,I know you're getting mad but we need to deal with this without violence."Ryan said.

I calmed down.I unclutched my fist.I took a deep breath.But I didn't want to talk to lexi today.I knew she was upset about Kian,and I didn't want to make her even more upset.So Ryan and I just turned around and went to the park to chill.

Jc's POV

I just finished helping Connor and Ricky.I told them about Kian and what Lexi told me.Then all three of us became upset.We were talking when the doorbell rang.I walked over to the door and opened it.I saw Kian.

"Sorry,Kian but I don't want to talk."I said.

Then I realized it was Kian.

"Kian!"I yelled.

Kian walked in. 

Authors Note

Hey guys.So this chapter is pretty long.But I hope you guys enjoyed and I will see you later.Biez!

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