Chapter 9

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Lexi's POV

I heard the doorbell ring.I ran downstairs and opened the door.There standing there were Brandon,Ryan and Crystal.I opened the door to hug them.

"Ryan Crystal!"I said hugging them both.

"Lexi!"They both said.

"We've missed you."Crystal said.

"I've missed you both too."I said.

"Come on,let's go to the park."Brandon suggested.

I didn't want to go to the park.I mean what if we run into Kian.I don't want Crystal to know about him.

"But what about,you know who?"I asked.

"They already know about him."Brandon said.

"Know about who?"Crystal asked.

"You guys know about Kian?"I asked them.

"Yup."Ryan said.

"Well,then.Let's go."I said.

I told my dad I was leaving and then we started walking to the park. 

Authors Note

Hey guys.Sorry this is so short.I didn't know what else to write.But I think this story is going really well.I'm like obsessed with writing this story.I've been like writing 3 chapters a day,now that makes me sound weird but whatever.I'll see you guys on the next update.Biez!

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