Chapter 17

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Lexi's POV

So I was wrong.Kian did bother Brandon but whatever.After that we paid and left.We went to the mall close to Brandon's apartment.We shopped and shopped.I couldn't find anything I wanted until we entered a Jared's.The guys looked around but they didn't buy anything of course,cause their guys and this is a jewelry store.

But I looked around.I found a beautiful necklace with diamonds in it.It had a white chain and diamonds on the chain and on the end was a beautiful purple gem.Purple has always been my favorite color.I looked at how much it was.It was 85 dollars.I didn't have that kind of money.My family was broke.So I just walked away from the necklace and kept looking around.

Brandon's POV

I saw Lexi looking at a necklace.It was beautiful.And it would look even more beautiful on her.So I decided to get it.But I didn't want Lexi to know.I walked over to Crystal who was on the other side of the store where Lexi was.

"Hey Crystal."I said.

"Hey Brandon."She said looking at a bracelet.

"I saw Lexi looking at this.So I'm gonna get it for her."I told her.

Crystal looked at it.

"Oh My God!That's so beautiful!"She said in awe.

"oooo,but it's 85 dollars."She said.

"So,I got lots more money."I said.

"Alright,whatever.Well,I'm getting these bracelets and these earrings and this necklace."She said.

"And all together,it's only 25 dollars,plus tax probably about 27."She said.

"Alright,well if you get a bag can I put my necklace in it with your stuff,cause I don't want Lexi to know I got it?"I asked her.

"Yeah,sure."She said.

Then we got in line.Lexi didn't get anything and she was waiting outside the store with Ryan.We bought the things and put them in the bag.Then we left the store and continued to shop.

Kian's POV

We were in the mall.The same mall Lexi and her friends were in.We stopped so the guys can get a pretzel.The pretzel shop was across from Jared's,where Lexi was in.I didn't go in but I kinda spied on Lexi.She was looking at something.After she walked away from whatever she was looking at,I walked away cause the guys called me.I told them what I wanted them went back to Jared's.Lexi and her friends were gone.I went in there to buy the necklace.But I took Jc with me.He was the only one that knew that i liked Lexi.We walked over to where Lexi was earlier.

"Why are we in here dude?"Jc asked.

"I want to get Lexi a present."I told him.

"Oh,right.Cause you LIKE her."Jc said making fun of me.

"Yup I do."I said.

"So what are you gonna get her?"Jc asked looking around.

We were in the exact spot Lexi was in.I saw a necklace with a white chain and diamonds on it.In the middle was a purple gem.It was perfect.Almost as perfect as Lexi...Almost.

"That beauty."I said.

Jc looked at it.

"It's pretty dude.But it's 85 bucks.Are you really gonna get it?"He asked.

"Yup."I said.

I grabbed the necklace and we got in line.We bought it and I put the bag with the necklace in it in one of my other bags.Then Jc and I went back to the other boys. 

Authors Note

Hey guys,so how you like the story.I mean,Lexi is getting the present she really likes from two different guys!How awesome is that.Anyway,I wanted to tell you guys thank you for getting me up to 500 reads.It really means a lot to me and I enjoy writing this so I'm glad you guys enjoy reading it.Anyway,gotta go eat,I'm starving.See you guys later.Biez!

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