Chapter 50

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Lexi's POV

It was the next morning.I woke up and looked at my alarm clock.It read 9:33.I got out of bed.Today was Saturday.I had to tell Brandon and Kian which boy I choose.And I know who to pick.I wanted to meet with Brandon first and tell him weather he's the one or not.So I texted him.

To Brandon:Hey,meet me at the park at 10:30.  

They gave me an hour to get ready and head there.But he texted back in less then two minutes. 

From Brandon:K,but I hope you know who to choose. 

To Brandon:I do that's why I want to meet with you. 

From Brandon:K,I hope you know I'm the one 

To Brandon:I'll see you at the park soon.

From Brandon:K see you soon sweatie. 

I stopped texting him.I put my phone on my side table then went in the bathroom to shower.I took a quick shower then changed.I blow dried my hair and put it up in a ponytail.Then I went in my room to find my phone not where I left it.I ran out of my room and downstairs to find my brotehr sitting on the couch reading out my text messages from my phone.

"Hey!Give me that!"I yelled.

I ran towards him but he got up and started walking away.

"K,I hope you know I'm the one."He read the text from Brandon.

"Stop it!That's my phone,give it to me!"I yelled.

"No!"He yelled then continued reading them.

After about 3 minutes of me chasing him around the house,I finally got my phone back.I looked at the time.It was 10:07.It was time for me to head tot he park.I put my phone in my pocket,grabbed my wallet and put it in my other pocket.Then I started walking to the park.

After about 15 minutes,i got there to see Brandon already there.For once,he's by himself and not with Ryan.He was sitting on a bench.He saw me and got up we started walking to each other.

We got to each other and we hugged.We stopped hugging and he had a smile on his face.

"Lexi,you don't ahve to tell me.I already knwo the answer.Now,let's go tell Kian that you chose me instead of him."He said.

"Brandon,I don't care what you think and if you know the answer or not.I'm still gonna tell you."I told him.

"Alright."He said.

"Brandon,my answer for you is..." 

Authors Note

Hey guys.Sorry this one is so short.I wanted to leave you with a cliffhanger.But If I didn't do the part with her brother,It would ahve been way too short.So i added that so it wouldn't be way too short.But uh yeah.I hope you guys enjoyed and I will see you in the next chapter where Lexi will tell Brandon weather he's the yes or no.Biez!

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