Chapter 34

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Lexi's POV

We got to the boys and sat down at the bench.Brandon looked at me.I smiled.He didn't.I stopped smiling.I think he was mad at me.Why did Connor have to tell them.

"I'll be right back.I have to go to the bathroom."Brandon said with an attitude.

He got up and left to the restrooms.

"What's his problem?"Chrystal asked Ryan.

"I don't know,but it might be because Lexi went to the hospital to see Kian."Ryan said.

"I don't get why he's mad.I just wanted to be nice.I mean he's in the hospital.It's not the time to be mean or not be caring."I said.

"Yeah,yeah Lexi.I understand.Your a nice girl and we all know you hate being mean.But Brandon isn't one of those nice people.Well he is,but only in certain things."Ryan said.

"Yeah."I said.

I was getting kinda upset now.I need to talk to Brandon.

"I'll be right back."I told them.

I got up and grabbed my pennyboard.I started riding towards the bathroom.I waited for Brandon to come out.He came out but he didn't see me.He started walking.But before he got to far.I hugged him.He stopped walking.

"I'm sorry Brandon.I never meant to hurt you.But I don't love Kian.I love you no matter what.I don't want you to think that I have a thing for Kian.Cause I don't I have a thing for you and I always have and I always will.So please forgive me."I said.

He turned around and I stopped hugging him.He just looked at me.I looked at him.We looked into each other's eyes.Then he kissed me on the lips.

"Of course I forgive you Lexi.I love you."He said.

"I love you too."I said.

"C'mon,let's get back to the siblings."He said.

"Ok."I said.

I grabbed my pennyboard and we walked to the others while holding hands.I just felt so guilty.I lied to him big time.I couldn't tell him about Kian now.What have I done?I'm in big,big,BIG trouble.

But we got back to the two siblings and we sat down.

"Well you two look happy."Chrystal said.

"Yup.It turns out,I was just being paranoid.Lexi doesn't have feelings for Kian what so ever.And I know she's not lying.I love this girl."Brandon said.

Chrystal gave me the "Oh no you didn't" look.I fake smiled.

"Lexi,can I talk to you for a minute in private?"Chrystal asked.

"Umm sure."I said.

The two of us got up and we went somewhere where the guys couldn't here us.

"You told him what?!"She flipped out.

"Heh,heh"I said with a fake smile.

"Why would you lie to him?You know he's gonna kill you when he finds out."Chrystal said.

"I don't think he would kill me.Yeah,he'll be mad.Like really mad,but I don't think he would kill me."I disagreed.

"Don't keep your hopes up girl."She said.

I breathed heavily.

"Well,will you be there for me?"I asked her.

"I don't know about this one but Lexi,I'll try."She said then walked away.

She walked back to the others.I walked back a few seconds later.We joined them in the chit chat.But now I was scared.Brandon might just kill me,but I hope not. 

Authors Note

Hey guys.Hope you enjoyed.It's been a while since I updated.Sorry about that.But I hope you enjoyed and I will see you soon.Biez!

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