Chapter 11

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Lexi's POV

We were playing a little soccer game with these 12 and 13 year olds.Suprisingly,they were good.The score was tied 4 to 4.It was our kick off.Stacy was goaly and Lindsay was in the back.Crystal and I were front.

It was our kick off and I was aiming trying to decide where to kick the ball.That's when I heard a voice.

"Well,well,well."The voice said.

I looked over where I heard the voice at.There standing on the edge of the court was Kian and his friend Jc.

"Kian,what do you want?"I asked.

"Nothing."He said with a smirk.

"So now your playing with little kids huh?Do you not have friends your age?"He asked.

I stopped.I stepped away from the ball.I thought for a minute.

"What's wrong Lexi?Are these kids too old for you?"He asked.

I got mad I started walking over to him.

"Look you."I said.

I thought.What was I suppose to say?

"What am I suppose to be looking at?I hope it's not you."He said rolling his eyes.

I smacked him.

"Woah,woah,woah."Jc said.

"Don't you dare smack my best friend."Jc said.

Then Jc got hit in the balls with a soccer ball.

"Ouch."He said.

Then fell to the ground.I turned around to see Crystal right where the ball was and it looked like she was kinda loosing her breath.I looked at her.She looked at me.

"What?"She asked.

I started to turn around to look back at Kian,and that's when he hit me.

"Hey,you!"Yelled Brandon.

He ran over here and got close to Kian.I was there standing in front of Kian holding my cheek.Chrystal ran over and hugged me keeping me safe from Kian.

"Don't touch her!Don't slap her!Don't even talk to her!She never did anything to you,so what's the point of bullying her?!"Brandon said protecting me.

"Your not the boss of me!"Kian yelled.

"Well,I'm sticking up for my girlfriend,and If your bullying her,I'm gonna protect her and stand up to a bully like you!Now,maybe you should just get out of here!"Brandon said.

"Fine!"Kian yelled.

Kian turned around and started to leave.

"C,mon Jc,let's go."He demanded.

"See you later hotstuff."Jc said to Crystal.

Crystal rolled her eyes.The guys walked away.

"Thanks guys,I'm glad I have you."I said.

"Yeah,Lexi we can't always be there."Crystal said.

"Yeah,I know,but..."I said.

"You live somewhere else,somewhere we don't live.Whenever Kian is up to no good and is gonna hurt you,we won't always be there,we can't."Brandon said.

"But we will try our best."Ryan said.

"Thanks guys."I said.

"Now let's get you home."Brandon said.

We all started walking home.

"What about us!"Lindsay yelled. 

Authors Note

Ooooo,I just came up with the best idea for the next chapter,and I think you guys will like it,It kinda tells the beginning of Kian and Lexi's relationship,so I hope you guys will like it.Well gotta run.See you guys on the next update.Biez!

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