Chapter 32

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Chrystal's POV

I was with Ryan and Brandon.We were on our way to see Lexi.We got to her house and I rung the doorbell.The door opened with Lexi's brother Dillian behind the door.

"Oh hey Chrystal."He said with a flirty look.

I knew he was gonna flirt with me.

"Dillian,don't flirt with me please."I said.

"I can't.Your just too beautiful."He said.

"Ugh,just stop!"I said.

He didn't say anything.But he kept starring at me.

"Ugh,can you guys help,please?"I asked Ryan and Brandon.

Ryan and Brandon stepped in front of me.They snapped their fingers to bring Dillian back into reality.It worked.

"Is Lexi home?"Ryan asked her.

"No she's not."He said.

"Well,do you know where she is?"Brandon asked her.

"She may be next door,that's where I saw her last."Dillian said.

Ryan,Brandon and I all looked at each other.Why would she be over there?Kian's in the hospital,so there's no reason why she would be over there.Unless she wanted to talk to Jc.But I don't know why.I thought we should go over there and ask them.

"Alright,well we can go now."I whispered to the boys.

"Alright,well thanks Dillian."Ryan said.

"Mhmm."Dillian said.

Then we started to walk away.

"Catch ya later Chrystal."Dillian said.

"No Dillian."I said.

Then he shut the door.We walked over to Kian's house and knocked on the door.A few seconds later the door opened with Jc behind it.

"Hey guys."He said with a strange look on his face.

"Hi Jc."I said.

"What are you guys doing here?"He asked us.

"We wanted to know if Lexi is here?"I asked him.

"No,I haven't seen her all morning."He said.

"Well,Lexi's brother said that he last saw Lexi over here."I said.

"Hold on,let me ask the others."He said.

Then he yelled.

"Ricky!Connor!"He yelled.

The two ran over.

"Yeah?"Ricky asked him.

"Have any of you seen Lexi at all this morning?"Jc asked the two.

"No."Ricky said.

"No..."Connor said.

"Oh wait...yeah,yeah,yeah.She's the one with the black hair right?"Connor asked.

"Yup."Brandon said.

"Yeah,I've seen her.She was here this morning.She asked me something about Kian.What was it?She asked me what was Kian's favorite drink.She wanted to bring something to Kian,ya know,since he's in the hospital and stuff."Connor explained.

Ryan,Brandon and I all looked at each other again.Then back to the 3 roomates.

"Alright,well thanks guys."I said.

"Mhmm."Jc said.

Then we kinda left the porch.They closed the door.We walked off of their drive way and onto the sidewalk.

"So what are we gonna do now?"Ryan asked us.

"Well,we could wait at the park for her.I mean isn't that on the way to the hospital anyway?"I said.

"Yeah I guess."Brandon said.

"Ok,let's go then."I said.

So we all walked to the park. 

Authors Note

Hey guys,hope you enjoyed.I don't have much to say but I have been updating this story more often so I hope all ya'll are happy.Anyway hope you enjoyed.Biez!

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