Chapter 48

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Lexi's POV

I woke up to see Crystal on the floor next to my bed sleeping in one of my sleeping bags.I looked at my alarm clock and saw the time.It was 8:15.It was pretty early still and I knew that my dad nor my brother were up yet and Crystal wasn't up obviously.

But I needed to think.Think about which boy.And I wanted to be alone.So I got out of bed and put on some jeans and a t-shirt and walked downstairs.I went outside in my back yard and sat on the bench by a tree outside.I sat there thinking.I thought and thought,but I just couldn't pick one boy.

Crystal's POV

I woke up to see Lexi's room.I remembered I spent the night.But I turned over to see Lexi not in her bed.I looked around her room.She wasn't in the room.I looked at the time on her alarm clock to see the time 8:30.But I got up to go look for Lexi.

I left her room and walked down the hallway.She wasn't upstairs,so I went downstairs.She wasn't in the livingroom,nor the kitchen.Then I looked through a window and saw Lexi sitting outside on a bench.I walked over to the door to the back yard and opened it.I stepped outside closing the door behind me.I walked over to Lexi.She heard me come and she looked at me.Her face was a little red.It looked like she'd been crying.I sat down next to her.

"Hey Lex.You ok?"I asked her.

"Yeah."She said.

"Have you been crying?"I asked her.

"Kinda,but not really."She told me.

"Oh,well why?What's wrong?"I asked her.

"About everything."She said.

"Everything?"I asked.

"Yeah,ya know,about everything that has happened.About Brandon and Kian.And how I can only pick one boy."She explained.

"Well,you don't know who to pick?"I asked.

"No."She said.

"But it's obvious you have to pick Brandon.I mean the two of you were meant to be.You two have a lot in common and you guys have been dating for a few years and you guys have never broke up nor had a fight.It's like you to were meant to be."I explained to her.

"I know,I thought about that.But every time I see Kian,I just feel different.Something I've never felt before.And when we talk,we always connect and our eyes meet and I just get the shivers and I just feel something special.Kian and I just...we"Lexi explained.

Is she really gonna pick Kian?The look on her face.Her smile and the look in her eyes as she gazed off.It's like she was in love.But with the wrong person.She's meant to be with Brandon,not Kian.Brandon's my brother's best friend,so Brandon's kinda like a brother to me.And I was gonna do what ever I can to get Brandon and Lexi to stay together.

"Lexi,you really wanna break Brandon's heart?He would be so mad.He'd kill you,well at least hurt you pretty bad."I told her.

Her smile went to a frown.

"You're right...."She said thinking.

I think I might have flipped her over to my side and not Kian's.

"But,to be honest..."She said.

She looked at me and gave me a look like she doesn't know if she can trust me.

"And you can't tell Brandon,promise?"She asked me.

I thought for a second.I've told Lexi in the past that she comes first before any one else.I mean after all she's like the sister I've never had.I had to promise this and I could not tell Brandon.

"Promise."I said.

"Well,to be honest,I'm a little tired of dating Brandon.I know I shouldn't but I am.What he did to Kian a few days ago made me realize something.Brandon might actually be more of a jerk then I thought.I mean the otehr day was the second time I've seen Brandon make someone go to the hospital."Lexi stopped as she was about to cry.

She turned her heads down closing her eyes.She started crying.I put my arm around her.But she pushed my hand off and stood up.I still sat there watching her.But she walked over against the fence across from the bench.

"I just can't take this anymore."She said.

Then she ran in the house crying.I sat there thinking to myself, "Is Brandon really the right choice,or is Kian?"  

Authors Note

Hey guys.Sorry this chapter was so boring and short.But I hope you guys enjoyed and I will see you soon.Biez!

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