♡ | we're off to see the min's

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"Papa, what does shit mean?"

Taehyung groaned at the question. He should have known that his curious little boy would ask the question. Taehyung didn't really have an answer but he had to make one up quick.

"That's a bad word honey. Please don't use it, I don't want to put you in the bad corner."

Taeguk nodded and held out his tiny pinky.

"Pinky promise!"

Taehyung chuckled at his adorable behaviour and locked his long finger with the smaller one.

"Papa is apps going to go into the bad corner?" Taeguk giggled. His apps was always getting into trouble with Taehyung but in a jokey way.

"Yes! We'll chase him down the streets with pitchforks and fire. Then we'll give him to the police and they'll take him to jail!" Taehyung said. Acting every action to make sure his child giggled along.

"No papa. I don't want to give him." Taeguk said pouting to convince Taehyung to keep Jungkook.

"How am I this late?" Jungkook rushed down the stairs. Quickly pecking Taeguk's cheeks and Taehyung's lips. He ran towards the door before quickly shouting 'have a good day.'

"We might just keep him for you." Taehyung smiled as he ushered his young to keep eating. "We're going to get dressed after this."

Taeguk cheered although he wasn't notified as to where he would be going.

"Papa why doesn't appa go with us?"

"Appa has to work bubby. Lucky for you I have the day off." After Taeguk was born Taehyung had great difficulty leaving him alone. It was a bad habit but he loved the time spent.

Luckily for the socialable male he was the best employee in the HR department. His boss refused to let him go. So they arranged for him to work from home as an online customer service employee.

"Come on baby, let's get ready." Taehyung's voice was filled with admiration and love. He didn't expect his future to be so bright, nor did he imagine a loving husband, he didn't imagine an adorable yet troublesome little boy but he was so thankful.

"Papa, where are we going?" Taeguk said, blinking in confusion.

"To Parkjae's house." Taehyung said before pressing his forehead against his child's and scrunching his face. Taeguk giggled furiously at the funny faces. His little hand went to hold his papa's ear. Laughing harder for some reason.

"Bath time first." This statement brought hell - but it had to be done. Taeguk squirmed and moved in Taehyung's arms.

"Baby, stop." Taehyung attempted to get Taeguk ready but he was too soft with the boy. Jungkook would show Taeguk that he had to listen to him but Taehyung couldn't even shout at they boy hence the naughty corner.

"Papa please don't make me have a bath!" Taeguk pouted. Taehyung shook his head, he wasn't going to be manipulated.

"No babe, you have to." Taehyung's tone was stern, ensuring that Taeguk knew who was in charge.

"B-but appa i-isn't here." Taeguk's bottom lip quivered and his big, doe eyes became glossy as he stuttered.

Taehyung hated it when Taeguk used crying against him as it made him powerless. Taeguk hated bathing without both his parents, but Jungkook had to be at work as he was late today, even though he was the CEO. He could do what he liked but the guilt was there. He made his employees come on time so he should too. He was a fair guy and many,  if not all, employees put all their effort into their work and appreciated their boss. 

Taehunv sighed before giving in and directed himself towards Taeguk's bedroom.

Taehyung dressed Taeguk in a large, black sweater that Taeguk loved. A white paw print on the back of it. Taeguk wore black, skinny jeans and black converse trainers.

"Papa do I look nice?" Taeguk asked, a hopeful smile plastered on his chubby face.

"Of course you do," Taehyung cooed, and left a long kiss on Taeguk's cheek.

"Papa, can I pick your clothes?" Taehyung nodded out of curiosity to his child's question. Taeguk picked a black t-shirt, with skinny, ripped,  black jeans and a denim jacket.

"Wow, my own personal stylist." Taehyung chuckled as he brought the child into a short hug.

"Papa, are we walking?" Taeguk asked. 


"Good. I won't be locked up or stuck."

"Gukkie- that's a car seat."

"It traps me and never let's go."

TAEKOOK'S CHILD | TKWhere stories live. Discover now