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After eating at McDonald's Taehyung and Taeguk left. Taehyung knew the amount of take out the little boy had was unhealthy but he left it for now, making a mental note to eat healthier. Although he was sure that his mental notes were ineffective.

It was difficult to get the boy on the bus after he got hurt but Taehyung managed,  promising that Taeguk could sit on his lap and he wouldn't let go of the child. Thankfullt they arrived home soon with no more injuries.

Taehyung placed Taeguk in front of the TV and gave the small male the remote. He knew that Taeguk would be too absorbed in the TV to care about the pain but as soon as Jungkook came home, it would be a completely different story. It was as if a switched clicked when he saw his father and the memories of the pain would refill his mind. Taehyung was sure he just wanted attention like most children.

"Papa can I sit on your lap?" Taeguk said, his eyes still a little bit watery.

"Of course honey just let papa get the carrot sticks." Taeguk smiled, enjoying the moments where he got what he wanted.

Taehyung came back in with a plate full of carrot sticks. He placed them in front of Taeguk. The small boy climbed onto Taehyung's laps, his gaze never leaving the TV screen. Taehyung wrapped his arms around Taeguk and kissed the boy's head. Taehyung had to give the carrots sticks to Taeguk because he was more interested in the TV.

He rested his chin lightly on Taeguk's darkly coloured hair.

Taehyung and Taeguk both liked In the night garden even though it made zero sense. Jungkook often found himself watching it too but only because family movie nights were cartoon series or movies and both parents agreed with Taeguk. They truly did love spoiling Taeguk it was a bad habit.

"I'm home!" Jungkook said happily. He was so glad to be able to relax and be stress free for a while.

"Appa." Taeguk suddenly cried.

"Hey, hey what's wrong? Don't cry." Jungkook said picking up the boy and bringing Taehyung closer to him.

"I hurt m-my cheek."

Jungkook pouted slightly and kissed Taeguk's forehead the  went to kiss the little mark. His child was definitely dramatic. "You'll be okay, papa and appa will look after you."

Taeguk snuggled into Jungkook's chest while Taehyung rested on his shoulder.

"How did it happen?" Jungkook asked, kissing Taehyung's cheek several times making the other giggle.

"We were going shopping and we went on the bus but the driver slammed the brakes and Taeguk went forward." Taehyung explained.

"The bus driver should be more careful." Jungkook muttered.

"I expected you to be more angry." Taehyung said against Jungkook's neck, the exhaustion for today seeping in.

"I would be but that would make Taeguk cry more and my baby is too perfect for tears." Taehyung smiled and pecked Jungkook's cheek. How perfect and adorable can one human be?

He loved how gentle Jungkook was. It touched his heart and made him fall harder for Jungkook if that was possible.

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