♡ | plays and work

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"Papa! Appa!" Taeguk screamed as he dropped his school bag onto the floor and ran towards the living room. His short, little legs rapidly moving, it was such a cute sight.

"Hello Gukkie how was school bunny?" Taehyung asked, closing the book he was reading. Making sure that his perfect child knew he had his attention.

"It was okay but where's appa?" Taeguk asked, a little pout on his chubby face.

The little boy had big news. So he needed both parents present.

"What day is it silly?" Taehyung asked, picking up Taeguk and putting him on his lap.

"Tuesday Papa, how can you not know?" Taeguk said, shaking his head slightly.

"Appa has to work today baby so he'll be back in an hour or so." Taehyung explained.

"But papa! I have BIG news." Taeguk said, empathising the big by making his arms spread out.

"You can tell me." Taehyung said, kissing Taeguk's forehead and smiling at his beautiful child.

"No papa, it's really big news that appa needs to hear too!" Taeguk explained in a cheeky way. Smiling and giggling after.

"Cheeky monkey." Taehyung said and started tickling Taeguk's side, the little boy let out giggles and laughs. "No not tickling!" Taeguk screamed and ran off while Taehyung followed after.

"No papa." Taeguk screamed and giggled when Taehyung picked him up.

"Are you going to be cheeky?" Taehyung asked, glaring and making funny faces.

"Yea." Taeguk said in the same cheeky way. Taehyung started tickling again but stopped when he heard the front door open and close.

"APPA COME IN HERE FAST!!" Taeguk screamed, running away from Taehyung.

Jungkook walked into the living room and smiled.

"Here I come!!" Taeguk screamed and ran towards Jungkook who dropped his suitcase and picked up the boy. He spun the boy around making him giggle.

"Taeguk has big news Kookie." Taehyung said. Jungkook sat down on the couch and wrapped his arm around Taehyung's waist, pecking Taehyung's lips.

"What is it baby tiger?" Jungkook asked.

"I'm going to be a wolf!" Taeguk shouted.

"A wolf..? Wow!" Taehyung said a little confused But still being supportive.

"I'm not finished papa, I'm going to be a wolf in Little Red Riding Hood and are you going to see me?" Taeguk asked, eyes full of hope.

"Of course we're going to see our little actor!" Jungkook said with a smile.

"Yay it's on Tuesday at 3:00." Taeguk said before running upstairs.

"Tuesday 3:00? I'm working." Jungkook said.

"Oh no kookie. I'm sorry honey but you have to tell him." Taehyung said, trying to think of something to sort this.

Jungkook sighed, upset that he wasn't going to see his baby in his first play.

"This is unfair. His first play and I miss it!"

"I know baby but if you don't tell him he'll be disappointed when you don't show up." Taehyung said softly as he cupped Jungkook's face.

The other sighed once more.

TAEKOOK'S CHILD | TKWhere stories live. Discover now