♡ | another? no thanks??

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"How can we have another child when we can't keep track of these two." Jungkook muttered, making Taehyung break the cuddle to look up at him.

"We've been managing fine. This has only happened once."

Jungkook sighed. He knew that Taehyung loved children but he didn't think it was a good idea at all.

"Tae babe I love you a lot and I love the boys too but we need to make sure that we keep these children safe. This homework thing was a one time but do you remember when Taeguk ran off because of the kids we were babysitting? That might have been one time but it's dangerous."

Taehyung wasn't happy at all but he knew what Jungkook was saying was right. He wanted another child in fact he wanted another three but clearly Jungkook wasn't fond of having anymore.

"But Gukkie's learnt a lesson from all that."

"How will Jungtae act?" Jungkook snapped, only realising his harsh tone after.

"I don't know." Taehyung muttered. He really hated arguing but he would do it if it was needed.

"Jungkook you can't tell me that when you see that baby you aren't happy."

"I am but right ow we're both working too much to look after the children that we have now! Besides Jungtae isn't even 2 yet and he can just about walk."

"But kookie-"

"No babe that's enough we aren't having another child." Jungkook said and put his attention on the TV, knowing that if he looked at Taehyung he'd say yes.

Taehyung wasn't able to concentrate on the TV.

"Kook." Taehyung muttered so quietly that Jungkook didn't hear. He was a little scared of sparking another mini argument but called out Jungkook again and got his attention. 

"How about when Jungtae's old enough?" Taehyung said, once again in a quite voice.

Now Jungkook already wasn't liking the distance between the two and he knew Taehyung was extremely stubborn so they would keep distancing himself. Besides how would he ever live without his Taehyung time?

"Okay but we've got get better at schedules and when the baby is here pay enough attention to the boys." Jungkook said and pulled Taehyung closer to him to cuddle.

So it was settled the baby would come.

TAEKOOK'S CHILD | TKWhere stories live. Discover now