♡ | curiosity

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"Papa where do babies come from?"

Taehyung, who was sitting on Jungkook's lap looked away from the TV and to the little boy. Jungkook switched the TV off as he had  entertainment around him.

He watched as Taehyung struggled to form a sentence.

"Well Gukkie it's a bit complicated." Taehyung said while Jungkook laughed. Taehyung frowned at his husband before pinching this thigh as a warning to not make this more complicated.

"It really isn't." Jungkook said just to annoy Taehyung. He had to keep the entertainment going.

"Papa you know, tell me pleaseee." Taeguk whined, pouting and climbing onto Taehyung's lap.

"Well when a Mommy and daddy like each other-"

"hmph daddy." Jungkook interrupted, receiving a death glare from Taehyung and another pinch making him laugh harder.


Jungkook burst into laughter again which confused Taeguk. "So appa kissed you today so does that mean I'm gonna have a sister or brother."

"No...baby it's complicated you'll learn when you're older, when you have your boyfriend/girlfriend." Taehyung said. He ran out of ideas fast.

"So when you're 30." Jungkook said, he was extremely protective over Taeguk.

"Yah my boy can date." Taehyung said. After this, a mini war of yes he can and no he can't started and Taeguk left.
"Gyeong...." Taeguk said while the two were playing in his play room.

"What?" The boy said, a little annoyed with the tower that wouldn't stay.

"Can you kiss me?" Taeguk said, pointing to his lips.

"No that's disgusting....ewwww!" Gyeong squealed. He ran over to the small twmt and zipped up the door to hide from Taeguk.

"Please Gyeong I'll give you my penguin biscuit at lunch and I'll play anything at lunch with you, please Gyeong your my best friend." Taeguk begged.

"Only for the penguin biscuit."

Taeguk cheered and sat on Gyeong's lap. "Why are you sitting on me Gukkie?" Gyeong asked.

"Because this is how papa does it, if we don't do it the same then we can't have a baby." Taeguk explained while Gyeong let out a small 'oh.' Taeguk leaned forward and kissed Gyeong for about 3 seconds.

"Did it work?" Gyeong asked immediately pushing Taeguk off of him and searching the area for a baby.

"I don't know let's go ask papa." Taeguk said, running out the door to his parents room. When he entered he saw his parents doing the usual.

"Papa!" Taeguk screamed which made Taehyung break off with pink cheeks while Jungkook smirked.

"Papa can I have a baby now?" Taeguk asked while Taehyung eyes widened.

"Why would you have a baby?" Jungkook asked, slightly confused but concerned at the same time.

"Because me and Gukkie kissed." Gyeong said with a smile. "Wait we have to get married now." Taeguk said, he was about to run off but Jungkook picked him up.

"You are not having a baby and you aren't getting married." Jungkook said, holding Taeguk protectively. "Baby you don't get a baby with kissing, I told you you'd learn when you're older." Taehyung explained.

"But I want a baby with Gyeong."


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