♡ | you being busy makes me reckless

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After the encounter with Jungkook's ex, Taehyung received more love than usual. Not that he was complaining, it reassured him that Jungkook was still in love with him and haven't even thought about leaving Taehyung.

"Appa! Do you have to go work?" Taeguk said with a pout while he tugged on Jungkook's blazer.

The male sighed. He hated work, it was so stressful and on top Taeguk was getting more clingy. He hated leaving him with disappointment and a small pout.

"Kookie you gotta hurry before you're late." Taehyung said, connecting their lips for a quick kiss.

"Oh Gukkie don't pout appa will be back." Taehyung said as he swiftly picked up the small boy, placing kisses all over his face which made him giggle.

"Okay I'm off. Bye Gukkie baby." Jungkook said before pecking Taeguk and going to find Jungtae.

"Come here little monster." Jungkook said but the boy laughed loudly and ran off. Luckily for Jungkook his legs were so short that he couldn't get far.

"Ah Jungtae doesn't want kisses huh?" Jungkook said before kissing his cheek and existing after he realised how late he was.

"Okay my little angels I have some work to do so be good." Taehyung said. He managed to secure a job from home which he enjoyed but it did take a lot of time which meant less time with Taeguk and Jungtae.

Taeguk huffed, not used to the lack of attention. He stomped his foot and pouted but Taehyung was already in the office. "Come on Jungtae let's go watch TV and colour."

Taeguk turned towards the playroom sharply. He knew he wasn't allowed to watch TV in the playroom unless he was being really good. The TV wasn't massive but Taeguk loved having the company of all his teddies whilst he binge watched.

Taeguk threw the crayons onto the small desk and pulled out a chair. He was so into the TV show that he didn't realise that Jungtae was colouring on the white wall of the playroom. He also didn't realise that he was drawing on the table instead of the paper.

When the show ended Taeguk clapped and dropped the crayon. That's when he saw what Jungtae did.

"We're in so much trouble..." Taeguk said and he grabbed all the drawings he did from the table only to see the crayon marks onto the table. He stuck the pages up messily to cover the drawings and put as many teddies on the table.

As soon as he turned the TV off Taehyung walked in.

"Wow you guys have been busy." He said with a chuckle. "Appa will be back in around about now because he has a half day."

On cue the front door opened but Taeguk didn't run up to Jungkook with excitement. Instead he was glued to his chair in fear that someone would pick up the teddies.

"Hey I didn't get my hug- woah messy room." Jungkook said while Taehyung hummed in agreement.

Much to Taeguk's disappointment, Jungtae got up from his space on the floor and started throwing the teddies off the table, revealing the mess that was made however the couple didn't realise as they were taking the paper off the wall without damaging the wall.

"Wait why are there drawings on the wall?" Taehyung turned around with his hands on his hips, glaring at the boys.

"And on the table." Jungkook added.

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