♡ | competitive boys

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A week later it was time for the family games that Jungkook's parents were hosting since they knew too many people, in Jungkook's opinion.

Taehyung walked into the living room holding a box and placed it on the coffee table, slightly slamming it and startling Jungkook who was sitting peacefully in the process.

"What's in the box?" Taeguk asked, poking it several times but receiving nothing.

"Gukkie babe stop poking the box. It's for the family games your mom got t-shirt with Jeon on the back. That's cute right?" Taehyung said as he opened the box, throwing the shirts at Jungkook who caught them and glared at the giggling male.

"Very cute." Jungkook said as he focused his attention back onto the TV.


After a lot of complaining the family managed to get ready in time although Jungkook was still happy with his 'let's stay home and sleep' idea.

"You're parents won't be happy when they don't see it now move your bum into the car and get Gukkie and Jungtae in the car."

Jungkook groaned. "I always get the hard job..."

Taehyung turned and glared. "What was that dear?" He said in a teasing tone while Jungkook shouted a quick 'nothing' before taking the two boys into the car.

The journey there was long and annoying to say the least. Taeguk spoke throughout the whole journey about how he was going to be the best. Jungtae babbled and cried and cried while the young couple tried to keep calm.

They were beyond relieved when they saw Jungkook's parents house.

"Kookie, Tae hello! It's good to see you. Now where are my boys?" Mrs Jeon said, quick to swap from Jungkook and Taehyung to their kids. Taeguk ran up and hugged her legs. "There's my little babies." She's said cooing at Taeguk and Jungtae.

"Come in, everyone is already inside."


The games started right after everyone had a couple of drinks and chatted a little while constantly being asked of the games would start soon.

"Okay first, we're going to have a mini quiz!" Mrs Jeon exclaimed, maybe a little too excited.

"Ready to go down kook." Yoongi said smirking, knowing how easily Jungkook gets annoyed.

"You wish." Jungkook said while Taehyung shook his head. "Kookie remember we said fun competition."

"Question 1: what is the police dogs name in paw patrol? Please write it down on the paper." Mrs Jeon said.

Most guests were confused as they've never watched paw patrol so they started to guess random names.

"Appa, appa, it's chase!" Taeguk said in a loud whisper while Taehyung giggled at the little boy who was poking his father while chanting chase.

By now everyone had heard the answer but no one was mad at Taeguk, they just found it cute.

The mini quiz went on a little longer until Jungkook had to remind his mother that they can't do this forever. The winner wasn't the Jeon's but the Min's so you could say Yoongi was right.

The three families at the bottom were taken out if the competition which left five families and two more games. If Taehyung was honest he really wanted the barbecue food that was promised at the end but for the sake of his competitive family members he tried to help.


"The next game is telephone! It's simple you have headphones on while the other member tells you a sentence. If you have the right sentence you get the point!" Mrs Jeon explained as she handed the earphones so they could play music.

"Will the Jeon family win?" Taehyung said to Jungkook who just looked confused. "Will. The. Jeon. Family. Win?"

"Ohh I got it."

"Will the neon family win?" Jungkook said while Taehyung burst out laughing.

Taeguk tilted his head in confusion but said "will the neon family tin?"

Taehyung, again, started laughing while Mrs Jeon told them the actual sentence.

Although they failed hard in the first round the Jeon family won that round and the next three families were eliminated.


"The next game is pictonary! Draw what's on your card while the rest guess." Mrs Jeon explained while Jungkook let out a silent yes because he was the king of this game.

Jungkook started to draw while Taehyung and Taeguk guessed.

"A dog."

"A cat."



"Gukkie it can't be a penguin if it has 4 legs."

"A cow!"

Jungkook nodded and they were rewarded a point.

The last round ended and overall they didn't win but they enjoyed the mini family games and that's what mattered. Besides Jungkook swore that next year he would win while Taeguk agreed with enthusiasm laced in his voice. The two truly were competitive but that was okay.

I do be spamming ^*^

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