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Jin was happy to look after the two boys although they could be quite a handful at times. He jogged up the stairs, realising that they wouldn't be awake for a while since it was four in the morning. he entered Taeguk's bedroom, the boy was surrounded by stuffies of every kind yet he held tightly onto the tiger one. Jin smiled before gently closing the door and walking towards the couple room.

Jungtae was more difficult than Taeguk during night time so Jungkook moved his crib closer to his and Taehyung's bed. Most of the time Jungtae just didn't want to sleep, so he stayed up and said all the words in his small vocabulary. Luckily for Jin, Jungtae was fast asleep. His green dummy in his mouth and a baby blue blanket wrapped around him.

Jin cooed quitly before leaving. He was exaughsted from driving over to make sure that Taeguk and Jungtae weren't alone.

He felt his heart jump in his chest when the familiar sound of his phone echoed through the silent house.

Quickly his hands found the mobile device located in his trouser pocket.

"Hey Jin. We're allowed to go home in a few hours. Are the boys still asleep?" Jungkook's voice came from the small speaker.

"That's great and they are still asle-"

Jin was interrupted by a cry and Jungkook's laugh.

"I'll take that as a Jungtae is awake but Taeguk is asleep." Jungkook said, stating the obvious.

Jin laughed at the stupid statement and bid farewell as he climbed the stairs once more. Once he entered the room he saw Jungtae throwing everything he had in his crib (which wasn't a lot) onto the empty king sized bed.

"Alright Jungtae that's enough." Jin said as he picked the child up who instantly went silent. "Aish weird kid."

"You must get that from your parents."

Jin walked down the stairs, unaware of the sleepy boy who was following behind with his fluffy tiger stuffie. He placed Juntae in his high chair and started on the food.

"Jinnie what are you doing here? Where's papa and appa?" Taeguk asked with a frown on his face. He sat at the table, the frown never leaving. Despite his expression Jin smiled and answered Taguk's questions softly.

Jin placed food in front of Taeguk, sure that he could eat by himself and started to feed Jungtae who was being less trouble than usual.

"I don't want to eat!" Taeguk shouted, surprising Jin as he was normally an angel.

"Why not Gukkie?"

"Don't call me that stupid." Taeguk spat, surprising Jin even more. He sighed before putting the plastic spoon down. "Gukkie behave before I put you in the naughty corner."

Taeguk pouted, sulking in his seat and pushing his plate away.

Jin managed to feed Juntae who was happily playing with his toy cars but Taeguk still hadn't touched his food. Jin was seriously confused with his behaviour. He didn't know if it was a new thing with Taeguk but his attitude got worse.

"Taeguk eat right now." Jin said sternly. His breakfast had gotten cold an hour ago so Jin tried giving Taeguk something he couldn't say no. Yet Taeguk managed to push it away so Jin told him that Taeguk isn't allowed to get up until he finshes something.

"No I don't wan to. I'm not listening to you because you're stupid and dumb!" Taeguk shouted and threw the food. "I don't like you. I want my papa!"

Jin sighed at yet another tantrum.

"I want appa!"

"Gukkie why are you shouting?" a familiar voice said. Taeguk stopped his tantrum and ran up to the owner of the voice.

Jungkook shook his head and smiled apologetically when he saw a very tired looking Jin enetering the living room.

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